SAP Program SDTVTA00 - Compare table TVTA with TVKO, TVKOS and TVKOV (SD Customizing)

This report is for determining inconsistencies between the shared salesarea assignments contained in the internal system table TVTA and thosesales area assignments in Customizing.
The report also analyses the Customizing settings and informs you ofany errors. A typical error would be when a shared sales area containedsome empty and some completed fields. (For example, if you want toassign the referenced sales organization 0001 to sales organization0002but sales organization 0002 does not contain any assignments forits distribution channels and divisions.)
If you choose 'Display only', the report just displays the results.
If you choose 'Delete if necessary' in the non-display mode, the systemdeletes entries from table TVTA that contain undefined salesorganizations, distribution channels or divisions.
If you choose 'Update, if necessary' in the non-display mode, thesystem adjusts the entries in table TVTA that don't agree with theentries in Customizing.
The system does not automatically correct any erroneous Customizingsettings contained in the report.