SAP Program SDQUOT03 - Completed quotations

You can use this report to create a list of all completed quotations,
Enter a validity period in the relevant fields. To restrict theselection further, you can enter additional criteria such as documenttype, business partner, material or who the quotationwas created by. The more selection criteria you enter, the fasterthe system conducts the search.

The definition of a complete quotation depends on the completion rule inCustomizing for Sales and Distribution. You find it by going to the IMGand choosing Sales -> Sales Documents -> Sales Document Items->Define item categories. In the item category for the salesdocument, you can determine whether complete quotations are only thosethat have been fully referenced or also those that have only beenpartially referenced.
In the standard system, quotations are only regarded as completed ifthey have been completely referenced, i.e. when the total quantity hasbeen copied to a subsequent document.
Rejected quotations also count as completed.

The system issues a list according to your selection criteria that youcan manage with the ABAP List Viewer. For more information see Help-> R/3 library -> Cross-Application Components -> General ApplicationFunctions -> ABAP List Viewer.

864583Empty fields in lists quotations, orders, contracts
191978USER EXITS for user-defined fields missing