Description This report generates a list of open quotations that are valid until theselection date you have entered. In the standard system, quotations are regarded as open if they have notbeen referenced or have only been partially referenced. This means thattheir quantities have not been, or have only been partially copied tothe subsequent documents. This requirement is determined in thecompletion rule in Customizing for Sales and Distribution and can bechanged. You can find the completion rule in the IMG by going toSales -> Sales Documents -> Sales Document Item -> Define itemcategories>. Rejected quotations are also counted as completed and do not appear inthe list.Output You will receive a list of quotations that match your selectioncriteria, which you can manage using the ABAP List Viewer. You can findmore detailed information about the List Viewer by going to Help ->SAP library -> Cross-Application Components -> General applicationfunctions -> ABAP List Viewer>.Example You would like to list all the quotations that expire by the end ofmonth but that haven't yet been copied to the order. Enter the last dayof the month in the Expired by> field. You can restrict theselection by entering other data such as Document type>,Material number>, Created by> or the sales area. This willalso speed up your search. |