SAP Program SDINVUPDR - Update Costs

Costs in the Sales and Distribution application are generallymapped using the cost (condition type VPRS) and posted to theProfitability Analysis application (application component CO-PA)using the billing document.
If the condition type VPRS is flagged as accrual-relevant, thereis an accrual closeout in Financial Accounting and a posting is made toa cost account. The actual accrual is formed upon the goods issueposting in this case.
Sources for the cost
The cost is determined from different sources. The possible sourcedocuments are listed below according to their priority. The cost isalways taken from the document with the highest priority:
Vendor invoice (incoming invoice in MM)
This source influences the cost for third-party business transactions(third-party business transaction and individual purchase order).
(Valuated) goods receipt
This source influences the cost for third-party business transactions(third-party business transaction and individual purchase order).
Purchase order
This source influences the cost for third-party business transactions(third-party business transaction and individual purchase order).
Goods issue
This source influences the cost in delivery-related billing.
Valuation segment in material master
This source influences the cost in order-related billing.
Determining the cost
Depending on whether or not the costs are known at the time of billing,the system determines the cost as follows:

  • If the exact costs are known when billing takes place, the
  • condition type VPRS contains the correctly determined cost. The costdoes not have to be updated in this case (VPRS update function).
    • If the costs are not known at the time of bililng, you must
    • correct the cost at a later stage. It might happen that not allvendor invoices are available at the time of billing, or that billingtakes place before goods issue.
      In this case, the billing document takes the cost from the salesdocument or from the valuation segment in the material master.
      If prices are changed after billing, the goods issue posting is madewith the new price. This means that the costs in the billing document donot correspond to the actual costs posted with the goods issue. If theprocess is accrual-relevant, incorrect costs arise in CO-PA and therelevant accrual account in Financial Accounting shows a difference.
      Updating the cost
      The cost must be updated to ensure that approximately the correct costsare posted in financial accounting during a current process anddistributed to the relevant billing documents, and that the correctcosts are posted and distributed at the end of a process (VPRS updatefunction).
      • In Customizing for Sales and Distribution, you specify whether
      • you want the cost to be updated immediately (upon goods issue, forexample) or later. You make this setting in theActivate SD Functions activity, in theBilling substep.
        • If you have chosen 2 as the input value for the VPRS
        • Update indicator (Function is active and will be executed at alater time), you can update the cost later using this report.

          You can start the report as follows:

          • Call transaction VF_VPRS Update Costs

          • SAP Easy Access under Logistics -> Sales and Distribution->
          • Billing-> Billing Document-> Update Costs
            The report provides functional enhancements to existing reports.
            • The report is the successor to reports SDVPRSUPDATE and SD_VPRS_UPDATE,
            • which handle the processes for third-party business transactions(delivery-related and order-related billing).
              • Report SDINVUPDE also processes:

              • Data for contract-related processes
                Data for an automatically updated worklist (relevant billing documentnumbers).
                Table SDINVOICE is no longer processed as it was in the old reports andhas been replaced by table SDINVUPD.

                You must activate the additional functions in Customizing for Salesand Distribution under Basic Functions -> AccountAssignment/Costing -> Activate SD Functions,substep Billing. For more information about the input options,see VPRS Update.

                RESET N1
                You should execute the report in the following processing situations:
                You want to update the costs or transfer prices for specific billingdocuments.
                You might want to do this if one or more billing documents were nottaken into account before the new VPRS update process was activated, forexample.
                If you have activated the VPRS Update with theinput value 2 in your company, there is not an immediate VPRSupdate for a cost-relevant update. The system first determines therelevant billing document numbers and writes them to a worklist that canbe processed later using this report.
                Depending on the billing process, the worklist is updated at threedifferent stages:
                RESET N2
                When the incoming invoice or vendor invoice is posted
                When the goods issue is posted
                When a contract release order for services is posted
                You can schedule the report so that the costs in the relevant billingdocuments are corrected automatically and the required accountingdocuments are created properly.

                RESET N1
                The following blocks with special selection parameters are available forthe report:
                RESET N1
                Indicator: Based on Automatic Worklist
                SD Document Data
                Billing Document
                Company Code
                Additional Selection (not for worklist):
                Billing Date
                Item category
                Default data
                Posting Date
                FI Document Type
                Process Control
                Additional Selection (not for worklist):
                Correct the Cost
                Transfer Price Correction
                Carry Out Pricing
                Close Process

                The standard system contains the report variant STANDARD, which is alsoused in the Update Costs transaction. The systemprocesses the worklist data in simulation mode in this variant.

                The report creates a log in the following processing situations:

                • If a cost or transfer price is changed when the report is
                • executed, the system writes the change to the log. The old price and thenew price are listed with the relevant billing item.
                  • If the situation is accrual-relevant, the system also checks if
                  • the goods issues and the corresponding billing documents have beenposted to the same accrual account.
                    If the account numbers are not identical, the log contains anerror message with the account numbers to which postings were made.
                    The following fields are also listed in the log in simulation mode:
                    Billing Document = Number of the billing document
                    Billing Item = Number of the billing item
                    Old Value = Original cost
                    Document Currency = Currency of original cost
                    New Value = New cost
                    Document Currency = Currency of new cost
                    Accrual Account GI = Account number of accrual account to whichthe goods issue was posted
                    Accrual Account ICB = Account number of accrual account to whichthe billing document was posted
                    Material Document = Number of the material document upon goodsissue
                    Material Document Year = Year of the material document upon goodsissue
                    Item = Item of the material document upon goods issue
                    Message Text = Error information
