SAP Program SDEWUORD - Mass change of document currency in all open sales orders

You can use this report to convert the document currency of opendocuments such as sales orders, quotations, scheduling agreements andcontracts. You would use it, for example, to change the local currencyto EUROs.
Partially billed orders can only be converted to EUROs. In the billingplan for these orders, the currency for the deadlines that have alreadybeen billed is converted into EUROs.
Before you convert to EUROs, all the settings in Customizing for acurrency changeover have to be changed to EUROs. For partially billedorders, the currency that you wish to change must be one that may beconverted to EUROs.
Restrictions for Converting Partially Billed Orders to EUROs:
Once you have changed the currency of partially billed sales orders toEUROs, you cannot change the currency again, even back to the originalcurrency.
If the document that you wish to convert already contains billingdocuments, these must be forwarded to Financial Accounting before thedocument is converted to EUROs. The system checks this automaticallyand issues an appropriate message.
Once you have changed the currency, billing documents that were billedin the original currency can no longer be cancelled.
Small differences in rounded amounts might occur (for example, in thestatistical and credit values).
You cannot change the currency of documents with down payments thathave already been billed.
Old/new currency
If you specify the original document currency in the Original currencyfield, the report only converts the currency of documents with the samedocument currency as you enter in this field.
If you don't make an entry in the Original currency field, and enterEURO in the New currency field, then the report only selects documentswith a currency that is participating in the EMU.
This report only works if the settings in Customizing have beenmaintained correctly. If no settings are made in Customizing, documentsfrom all currencies will be converted to EUROs. In this case, werecommend that you first run the report online, which enables you tocheck which documents have been selected and to ensure that only thosedocuments will be converted that are in a currency participating in thechangeover.
Program Control
You can run the program either online or in the background.
If you run the report online, once you have selected the documents, thesystem displays a list of open documents from which you can choose theones that should be converted. You can also terminate the program afterit has selected the documents. If you run the report in the background,the system changes the currency for all the selected documents withoutissuing a list beforehand.
Internal technical note about the program
Invisible parameter: If you start the report using transaction WEWU(Euro Workbench) with SUBMIT REPORT, instead of entering the indicatorfor the document category, you can enter the document category directlyin the TRVOG parameter.
Document category:
Sales orders: TRVOG = '0'
Quotations: TRVOG = '2'
Scheduling agreements: TRVOG = '3'
Contracts: TRVOG = '4'
These entries override the indicator for the different documentcategories.
Scope of functions

1114424Local currency changeover: Currency conversion of sales docs
747469Conversion to SAP List Viewer - ERP Operations ECC 5.00
457558Incorrect net value after mass change of currency
448665SD: Euro changeover in batch run does not convert anything
399772Exclusion with selection options does not work
398883SD: Euro changeover returns error V2096
212537Incorrect condition value in condition overview/euro
369671SDEWUORD d.n. convert partially billed sales orders