SAP Program SDCRSL01 - Companion Sales Analysis for Sales Documents

Companion Sales Analysis of Sales Documents

This report analyzes sales documents that match your selection criteriafor any occurences of companion sales. It then creates a list of themost frequent combinations of two materials.

You can use this crossselling list as follows:
If, when you create a sales document, you enter a material that occursin the list, the system automatically displays a dialog box with thesecond material that belongs to it. When you enter a quantity, thematerial is then copied to the sales document.

When the system runs the report, it gives it a four-digit key asidentification. The list is stored under the key in the database. Sothat the system can access this list during sales order processing, youmust enter the identification key for the relevant list as an attributeof the SD_DPP_CROSS_SELLING function module in the access sequence fora product proposal procedure. Finally, you must assign the productproposal procedure to the cross-selling profile in Customizing.
