The setup enables administrators to define behavior of ATC in thesystem.

System Policy
This option can only be changed in client 000 - the system client!
ATC in general is technically client independent. With the System Policyset 'Configuration per Client' the ABAP Check Layer of ATC appears to beclient dependent. Results are only visible in the client they have beencreated and all the other configuration settings are stored per client.

Master System
The master system is the system where the exemptions are maintainedcentrally. Most commonly this is the so called consolidation systemwithin the transport landscape. For systems other than the master systemthe specified RFC connection will be used. If e.g. a user applies in asatellite system for an exemption the RFC connection to the mastersystem get used.

Exemption Options
With the Exemption Options one defines how exemptions should beorganized and applied in general

Request Mode
The mass test result of the central run in master system A is replicatedinto an other system B. Within system B you are allowed to request anexemption for a verdict of the central run result if you set the requestmode to "Request exemptions from central result only".
Within system B (local system) you can create an exemption for a verdictno matter from which result it is (system A, B, ...). For that youshould choose "Request exemptions from any result".
You can avoid requests for new exemptions by choosing "Exemptions cannot be requested"

Access To
ACCESS_TO permits the use of system local exemptions to mark failureverdicts if they are omitted from processing. It is recommended toswitch this option on. Enabling ACCESS_TO requires the systemadministration to provide recently updates of the exemptions maintainedin the central system.

Default Profile
ATC currently (temporarily) relies on CheckMan profiles to initializethe set of available check plug-Ins. In case you like to use a differentprofile to 'STANDARD' you may enter it here. This default profile isused in the online check to compute the initially marked checks anddefines the default for the according option in the mass run.

Default Skin
The skin defines the availability of certain options for the resultdisplay for SAP in house use the value 'SAP' is recommended.

The SAP Quality Index relies on CheckMan or ATC results. This optiondefines whether and how one wants to nominee ATC results for reporting:

  • Not - no nomination

  • Upon Activation - Setting a result in the result overview to be the
  • active one also nominates the result for reporting.
    • Explicit - The result overviews offers an explicit button to nominate a
    • result for reporting.
      Please note that nominating a result is a necessary operation but not asufficient one. Inclusion into the quality index requires a certainsetup of the system landscape. Please contact your local specialist onSAP´s inhouse reporting practices for more details.

      Transport Tools
      It is possible to execute ATC during release of a transport in SE09.There are two things to consider: global transport settings and ATCsettings in transport tool.
      Global transport settings (Transaction SE03) :

      • Checks of transport during release are off - no checks will be executed
      • during release of a transport
        • Checks of transport during release are on - checks will be executed
        • during release of a transport
          • Checks of transport during release depend on user settings - checks will
          • be executed in case user settings allow that.
            You can change global transport settings in SE03 -> Administration ->Global Customizing, if you have special administration authorization fortransport tools. Otherwise contact your administrator of transporttools.
            ATC settings in transport tool:
            • ATC execution off - ATC will not be executed in transport tool

            • ATC execution on - ATC will be executed in transport tool during release
            • of transport
              • ATC execution affects release - transport can not be released in case
              • ATC result has failed verdicts.

                Legacy Options
                With 'Seize CheckMan' enabled the transaction CheckMan will refer to ATCresults.

                • Precondition
                  In order to change the setup the user account needs necessaryauthorization: S_Q_ADM

                  See also
                  Transport Organizer & Test Tools