SAP Program SAPV019 - Deleting Master Data

The program deletes Financial Accounting master data and is defined aspreparation for the productive start. The following are deleted:

  • Customer master data

  • Vendor master data

  • G/L account master data

  • The program run is possible in two different sessions:
    • Deletion of general master data only (for G/L accounts in a chart of
    • accounts)
      • Deletion of master data in a test company code with the option of the
      • accompanying general master data.
        For a deletion run, you can decide whether the deletion indicator inthe master records is be taken into consideration or not. If deletionindicators are to be taken into consideration, the following standardprocess is valid: General master data can only be deleted if it has adeletion indicator. Company code data can only be deleted if it or theaccompanying general data has a deletion indicator.
        General Financial Accounting master data can also be used in other SAPapplications:
        • Sales & Distribution customer master data

        • Purchasing vendor master data

        • G/L accounts as a primary cost element in Controlling

        • In detail, the following will be deleted:
          • Change documents for master data.

          • SAPscript text files.

          • For customers, the following data is deleted:

          • general master data
            bank details
            VAT registration numbers
            credit management: across control areas
            credit management: centrally
            unloading points
            tax classifications
            contact persons
            partner function limit
            shipping data
            master data in the company code
            dunning data
            • For vendors, the following data is deleted:

            • general master data
              bank details
              VAT registration numbers
              master data in the company code
              dunning data
              • For G/L accounts, the following data is deleted:

              • general master data in the chart of accounts
                names in the chart of accounts
                key word list in the chart of accounts
                master data in the company code
                sample accounts, if selected
                Automatic work lists for customers and vendors are also deleted withthe general master data. In each case, matchcodes are reduced.
                Number ranges may well have to be corrected manually after the programrun.
                Database changes only take place in the production run.
                The deletion of general master data is only possible if there are noreferences to the relevant account from other applications. Use theresetting programs of
                • Sales & Distribution (customer master data)

                • Purchasing (vendor master data)

                • Controlling (G/L account master data)

                • Within Financial Accounting, no company code-dependent master data mayhave been created if only general master data is to be deleted.
                  If the master data of a test company code is to be deleted, then nocompany code-dependent master data may have been created in any companycode other than the test company code. The company code may not have aproductive indicator.
                  Furthermore, the deletion of Financial Accounting master data is onlypossible if no transactions have taken place in the relevant accounts.If transaction figures are found in one of the selected accounts, youmust previously branch to program SAPF020 (resetting transaction datafrom a company code) manually.

                  The log is a list of all tables which were edited due to the programselection.
                  In addition, you can choose to have a detail log created for eachaccount type to determine why certain data cannot be deleted (usage inother company codes and in other applications is displayed).

                  The program is to be run as a batch procedure, since run-time problemscan also occur when deleting or displaying smaller amounts of data. Foreach master record, the matchcodes are currently reduced individuallyin the database. Since several matchcode IDs refer to each matchcode,the strain on the database is considerable.
                  It is not possible to delete transaction data from individual accounts.Important: The Financial Accounting archiving programs are defined forthe productive system.

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