SAP Program SAPRVV90 - Archiving Program for Transfer Documents

The SAPRVV90 report program is the first step in IS-IS-CDposting data archiving: creation of an archive using IS-IS-CDposting data.
The second step, deletion of the posting data, based on thearchive created before, is report program SAPRVV91.
The relevant archiving object is VVKK_FAKTB. To find itsdefinition as well as the related Customizing, use transaction AOBJ.For archive administration and its Customizing, go through transactionSARA.
Only posting data that is marked as finished is archived: the ARCHIfield in the document header is marked with an X.

The following information from the results log of the archiving run isvisible on screen:

  • Detail log of documents that can be/were archived

  • Outputs business case number and document number as well as number ofline items in the posting data that were selected for archiving. Thelast line tells you the total number of selected headers and items.
    • Overview log of documents that can be/were archived

    • For each table (VVKKFKO and VVKKFOP), the number of read and archivedposting data documents as well as their size (in bytes) is output. Thelast line specifies the total selected headers and items.
      • Run parameters:

      • Run parameters such as start and stop date, start and stop time, anduser are are also recorded in the log.