SAP Program SAPRVAM0 - Broker Report Archiving - Archiving Program

The SAPRVAM0 report realizes the first step in broker reportarchiving in Collections/Disbursements: The creation of an archivewith broker reports.
The second step is realizes by the SAPRVAM1 report:The deletion of broker reports on the basis of a previously createdarchive.
The associated archiving object is called VVKK_BRCOL. You canuse the AOBJ transaction to find the definition andassociated Customizing, and the SARA transaction tofind archive administration and associated Customizing.
Selected broker reports are tested for runtime after successfulposting, and archived after the runtime has expired (the runtime forbroker reports can be set in Customizing). All corresponding tableentries are then archived, for all broker reports that fulfill thiscondition.

The following checks prevent a broker report being archived:

  • Error ERR_NPOST

  • Posting has not yet taken place.
    • Error ERR_NOLD:

    • The runtime has not yet been reached.