SAP Program SAPRDEMOVIEWING - Demonstration for Viewing Interface

This program demonstrates the use of the Document Viewer to displaydocuments from common desktop office applications, either in the SAPGUIwindow, or in a separate Web Browser.
The documents are displayed using the interface I_OI_DOCUMENT_VIEWER.Sample documents are stored in the BDS.
When you start the program, there are two ways of opening a document:

  • By entering a URL pointing to a document. In this case, select the via
  • URL checkbox.
    • By choosing Get from BDS. A dialog box then appears in which you must
    • choose the type of document you want to open. The system then retrievesthe corresponding document from the BDS.
      The Inplace checkbox indicates how you want to display the document. Ifyou select it, the document appears in the SAPGUI window. If you leaveit blank, the document is displayed in a separate browser window.
      Use the Close function to close the document.

      In order to display a document, its corresponding application must beinstalled on the frontend. For example, to display a DOC file, MS Wordmust be installed.