SAP Program SAPRCKR4 - Archiving: Reload Program (Product Costing)

This program reloads archived cost estimates from the archive into theSAP system. Cost estimates that are not selected for reloading remain inthe archive, as do cost estimates which cannot be reloaded for technicalreasons.
The job log for this program tells you:

  • How many cost estimates were in the archive

  • How many cost estimates were selected

  • How many (and which) cost estimates that were selected could not be
  • reloaded for technical reasons
    • How many cost estimates were reloaded into the SAP system

    • You can also simulate the reload in a test run. In this case no costestimates are actually reloaded into the system, but the job log tellsyou how many of the selected cost estimates can be reloaded.
      See the online documentation for the selection options.