SAP Program SAPMSABAPDEMOS_TREE - ABAP Documentation and Examples

Information about the Structure
This structure allows you to display the ABAP documentation anddisplay, run, or debug the associated example program.

Different Kinds of Nodes in the Structure
These nodes are sections of the ABAP documentation. When you selectone, the corresponding section is displayed in a text pane on theright-hand side of the screen. From this text pane, you can switch thehelp display to an external help viewer. The external viewer can alsobe set up as the default display environment.
These nodes are example programs. When you select one of these nodes,you can display or execute the program (either directly or in theDebugger). The program is displayed in a text pane on the right-handside of the screen. From here, you can start the ABAP Editor, in whichall of the usual navigation functions of the ABAP Workbench areavailable.
These nodes are ABAP keyword documentation. When you select one ofthem,you can enter an ABAP keyword, whose documentation whill then bedisplayed. If you do not enter a keyword, the system displays the treecontaining the entire range of ABAP keyword documentation objects.

Icons in the Application Toolbar
@0S@,,Display information
@68@,,Expand the whole structure
@69@,,Collapse the structure
@0P@,,Display the selected program
@15@,,Execute the selected program (direct)
@12@,,Execute the selected program (Debugger)
@5E@,,Display the selected section from the ABAP documentation
@B0@,,Display the ABAP keyword documentation
@8S@,,Always display ABAP documentation in the external help viewer
@J4@,,Always display ABAP documentation in the text pane
@57@,,Display the structure as a list