SAP Program SAPMK23D - Repost Internal Activity Allocation

Technical Program Documentation

Internal tables
itcovp - covp, read from database
itcobk - cobk, buffer
ntcobk - cobk, current to update
ntcoep - coep, current to update
linebtr - values and prices
itcontrol - buffer for control_lines
control_lines - Rows for Tablecontrol:
docNo, RowNo, sender, qty or amount, receiver

Includes: MK23DS01 to S05
Form select_from_covp -> Form select_covp:
Form k_covp_preselect: The system transmits a select on one of theindices (object numbers were definitely determined). The select isblocked by the system, so that not too many WHERE clauses exist.
Form covp_unselect: system deletes half-documents and documentsselected too many times.
Form itcovp_delete: already reposted docs, negative rows, investments,billings are selected out by the system
Also: system notes when complete docs are reversed; rows are completed

Table control: PBO
Modul fill_internal_table; Form fill_contr:
Rows for table control are taken from the buffer or created as new: Inthe case, the receiver is the most complicated.

Table control: PAI

  • The check flag is transferred. (must be done first as may be required)

  • The receivers are checked

  • You must always check whether it is possible to cancel, above allbecause of the Undo function. When the rows are checked, the systemfirst checks whether the document header already exists. Depending onwhether the rows have already been processed, the system calls up theforms BUILD_NEW_LINE or REBUILD_LINE. These forms are read and filledin the LINEBTR table for prices for price variances or forpredistribution of fixed costs.
    • The quantity/unit of measure is checked.

    • May only need to be translated. Otherwise, split up.
      • Fcode

      • DLIN; Form Delete_line this differs when you reset the rows forreversals and creating
        NEMP; Goto screen "Change Acct Assignment"; Form Fcode_popup
        returns to Form Check_lines; as for list processing, also
        BEAR; Goto screen "Edit rows"
        calls up module check_modified; as for list processing, also
        STOR; Forms Reverse_header and Reverse_lines
        Creating the reversal document
        POST; Post form
        in Form auxiliary_accounts the system notes aux. account assignments
        in Form set_values the PDFC and price variances are entered; till nowthe old values have been recorded and prices entered in the LINEBTRtable:
        SPDFC from cokl;
        olddat space: 1) v/p from database; qty/UM from covp
        2) v/p without fixed portion, if PDFC
        olddat = 'X': v/q from coep, if possible;
        fixed costs for SPDFC : v/t from module; qty/UM from covp
        To post:
        loop through doc. header: 1) init
        2) loop via doc. rows: Period; Aux.Acct.; RefDR; send 3)finish

362382KB61: incomplete lines in CO document; WBS elements