Description Integration of new object in the ABAP/4 Repository Information System. 1. Requirements for integrating a new object in the system A new object must be known to the ABAP/4 Development Workbench. Start SAPMSEU4 shows the IDs of the individual objects. 2. Select an identification number for a new object A new object must have an identification number. SE38: Select SAPRSI* and choose the next biggest number. Copy the program SAPRSIXX to SAPRSI(number) with copy of the INCLUDE programs according to the naming convention. Program SAPRSI(number) must have two statuses. The statuses of the programs SAPRSIXX are stored in SAPLSEUA. Copy the statuses DDXX_EDT and DDXX_SET to DD(Nummer)_EDT and DD(number)SET. (program SAPLSEUA, not SAPRSI(number)!!!!) 3. Declaration of object-specific global data The INCLUDE RSI(number)TOP contains the INCLUDE program RSIXXD01 from which you generate a copy RSI(number)D01. In this program, you declare the global data. 4. Definition of the selection screen for FIND object Copy the program RSIXXSEL to RSI(number)SEL. The program RSI(number)SEL is defined as a selection screen. The screen structure is defined as follows: 1. Block: Object-specific data 2. Block: Referenced data 3. Block: Short description 4. Block: Administration data with development class 5. Block on next screen: Remaining object data The list structure depends on the selections made. (e.g.: Find data elements) 5. EXPORT/IMPORT to memory interfaces for communication between general section, object-specific section and general tools 1. Copy the program RSIXXFRM to RSI(number)FRM. 2. The routine RSI(number)E01 exports the selection data to memory. You must supplement the EXPORT statement. 6. Read and output data for Find object Define parameter values for two macros MKR_DEFINE_FORMS and MKR_GOT_FORMS according to the documentation. The routine D(number)L_SPLIT reads the data table without texts unless selection was by short description. The routine D(number)V_SPLIT reads the data table with texts (problem outer join). The routine D(Nummer)T_SPLIT reads the texts unless you call D(number)V_ has been called. The routine DD(number)_LIST_ALL outputs the data. The routine DD(Nummer)_TOP_ALL formats the list header. 7. Integrate the where-used list The INCLUDE RSI(number)F02 contains the FORM routines for controlling the where-used list. The parameter values you define for the macro MKR_CROSS_FORMS should be according to the description. For program SAPLSEUA, you must copy screen 101 to allow the entry of an object name. The INCLUDE RSI(number)F02 contains the FORM routines for the input check as well as the F4 possible entries. 8. Integrate new object in the Repository Info System transaction Define your object in the fullscreen editor for screen 100 of program SAPMSEUL. If the object is unknown in the structure RSEUI, maintain the structure RSEUI. Supplement the FIELD statement in the flow logic of screen 100. Example SAPRSI02 |