Purpose This program carries forward balances for the funds in Funds Management(totals file FMIT) to a new fiscal year. You can also modify the program run using an enhancement in order todevelop customer-specific transactions in addition to the transactionfor the balance carryforward delivered by SAP. If you have activated the Multi-Year BudgetExecution>, you use this program for the annual-based evaluation ofcommitment/actual. In this case, the prerequisites and functions of theprogram are reconciled to this system setting.Prerequisites
- The balances of funds are only carried forward if the indicator
Carry Balance> is set (Execute Function>).
- In the master record of commitment items, a carryforward item type is
assigned (Execute Function>). This does not> apply to the multi-year budget execution.
- If you work on a payment basis (invoices are reduced), you must start
the program RFFMS200> before the balance carryforwardis carried out. The program converts cleared invoices in FinancialAccounting of Funds Management from status Invoice> to Payment >.
- Make sure that the carryforward commitment items are only used for the
balance carryforward and are never posted directly. This does not> apply to multi-year budget execution.
- To use the customer-enhanced program logic:
You have created customer-specific activities in IMG activityDefine Activities for Balance Carryforward >.Features The balances in the commitment items are carried forward to the newfiscal year. In the process, the balances for all the commitment itemswhich have the same carryforward item type are accumulated and carriedforward to the carryforward commitment item assigned to the carryforwarditem type. A different carryforward logic applies for multi-year budget execution(see below). Only balance totals records are generated but no line items in FM. Carry Forward Item Type> In IMG activity Define Carryforward Item Type>you create one or more carryforward item types. You assign a carryfor ward commitment item for each carryforward item type. You define acarryforward item type in the commitment item master record. Byassigning different carryforward item types, a grouping of commitmentitems to carryforward commitment items is achieved according to certainlogical perspectives. This does not> apply to multi-year budget execution. Enhancement of Program Run> SAP enables you to assign just one carryforward item type in thecommitment item master record. Under certain circumstances this is notsufficient as, for example, different sender/receiver relationships orbalance carryforwards with different content (actual, commitment,...)must be mapped for different annual intervals. You can enhance program with enhancement SAPFMVTR> forthese requirements. You can process individual sets of rules todetermine carryforward item types.
- The carryforward item types processed with the program can be defined
using function module EXIT_SAPFMVTR_002>.
- The value types ACTUAL and COMMITMENT processed with the program can be
restricted or enhanced using function moduleEXIT_SAPFMVTR_001>. Updating and Deleting the Balance Carryforward> SAP recommends running the program at the start of the new fiscal yearafter closing all postings to a prior period and closing entries. If new postings should have taken place in the fiscal year already"closed" after the program run, you must execute the fund balancecarryforward again to update the data in the new fiscal year. You canupdate the balance carryforward as much as you want. The update involvesthe balance carryforward of all affected funds being set to the value"0" in step 1 and the complete balance carryforward being executed againin step 2. For funds not affected by the update are not changed. You canexecute the balance carryforward of a fund manually by using deletionprogram RFFMDLBL. Different Balance Carryforward for Multi-Year Budget Execution> With multi-year budget execution, the program carries forward the openbalance for each Value type>without> changing the FM account assignment and without>summarizing using the commitment item to the new fiscal year. Specialcarryforward commitment items cannot be used with this system setting.You can branch to the respective line item of the previous year from thetotals record reporting of Funds Management.Selection Parameter specifications
- FM area
An FM area for which the balance carryforward should take place.
- Carryforward to fiscal year
Fiscal year to which the balance should be carried forward.
- Payment budget
Processing of payment budget-relevant documents (value typesprespecified via update profile)
- Commitment budget
Processing of commitment budget-relevant documents (value typesprespecified via update profile)
- Special parameters and customer-enhanced program control
You can call the screen area Special Parameter> with theadditional selection fields using Special Parameter 1>. Value types: ACTUAL According to the update profile, only actual documents (value types) areprocessed. Value types: COMMITMENT According to the update profile, only commitment documents (value types)are processed. Transaction: You can enter special transactions of the balance carryforward that youdefined in the enhancement. If you do not make any specifications (byleaving the field blank), the balance carryforward as delivered by SAPis executed.Output
- Test run
If you set this indicator, the program is run in a test run. The runproduces a list of any errors found, but does not change the database.
- Detail List
If you set this indicator, a detailed log is issued listing the carriedforward records. The list output contains the following information: Number of carried forward funds within an FM area Error list of the commitment items for which no carryforward commitmentitem could be determined. Detailed list (optional) of information on each carryforward commitmentitem and the balance to be carried forward.