SAP Program SAPF130K - Vendor Balance Confirmation

This program generates letters to your vendors for the purpose ofchecking payables and receivables, as well as the necessary replyslips.
The program offers you the following choice of procedures:

  • balance confirmation

  • balance notification

  • balance request

  • The system generates one check list and, where necessary, one errorlist per company code. You also have the option of requesting a resultstable. You use the check list to check that the balanceconfirmation has been received by the vendor. You may have to remindindividual vendors to reply. The error list is a log of theerrors that occurred during the evaluation. The results table isused to evaluate the replies. In it you note, for example, how manyreply slips you have received and the total number of reply slips to beexpected.
    For each program run, a selection cover sheet can be output.
    The program also enables you to print reminders for overduebalance confirmations and balance requests. In order to do this, enterthe vendors concerned and the old issue date and/or the old reply date.

    Due to the the time required for data checking, this program shouldonly be run in the background.

    Before the program can be run, the requirements described in thefollowing sections must be fulfilled. This includes the entries thathave to be made via the system configuration and the forms to be usedfor printing the letters and lists.

    RESET N1

    Defining the form names
    For each company code you must define in the system a form set withletters to vendors and their reply slips, a form for the check list anda form for the error list.
    You must observe the following rules for form IDs:
    List,,Form ID
    Check list,,LI
    Error list,,ER
    Results table,,RE
    You define whatever ID you like for the form set for the letter and thereply slip. However, you must not use the names listed above. Enter thestandard form set for the letter and reply slip without a form ID. Ifyou leave the "CoCd" field blank, this entry applies to all codes thatare not individually listed.

    Defining the standard text names in the system
    You can define several standard texts in the system for each companycode. Enter as standard the texts for the letter header, the footer,the sender details and the signature line which should be printed onthe letter. Define the standard variant for the standard texts withouta text ID. If you leave the "CoCd" field blank, this entry applies toall company codes that are not listed individually.

    Entering addresses
    For each company code there must be a company code address specified inthe system. You can enter addresses for the reply slip under variousaddress IDs in each company code (for example, for the auditor and yourinternal auditing department).
    Enter the standard reply slip addresses without an address ID.

    Defining additional selection criteria
    You can extend the selection criteria of this program by marking theadditional criteria that you require in a list. Do not choose too manyselection criteria as this may result in a run-time error, if the rollarea (i.e. the portion of the main storage reserved for the processingof application data) is too small. You should also ensure that theprogram variants you are using correspond to the current selectioncriteria.

    Determining display formats
    You determine the sequence in which balance confirmations are issuedusing the sort variants for the correspondence. You define the sortvariants in the menu for maintaining display formats under Periodicprocessing -> Correspondence -> Correspondence -> Sort variants.
    All sort sequences are carried out first of all by company code, thenin the sequence of the fields of the respective sort variant and thenby account number as well as by internal number of a one-time customer.
    You can obtain the list of fields which you can sort by, by using thePossible entries pushbutton (F4). The list of fields which you canselect contains a selection of the fields from master data tables LFA1and LFB1. The sort fields are filled with data according to their nameand in a defined sequence as follows:
    The sort fields are first of all filled with data from LFA1 and thenwith data from LFB1.
    Fields which have the same field name in tables LFA1 and LFB1 aretherefore overwritten if necessary.
    You can determine the sequence for issuing line items using the sortvariants for the line items. You can define the sort variants in themenu for maintaining the display formats under Periodic processing ->Correspondence -> Line items -> Sort variants.
    All sort sequences take place in the order of the fields of therespective sort variant. In the case of head offices/branches, thedocuments displayed in a balance confirmation are first of all sortedby head offices/branches and then in the sequence of the fields of therespective sort variant. If the sort variant for line items containsthe UMSKZ field (tax code) in one of the five sort fields, then asubheading with the name of the special G/L indicator is issued whenchanging the special G/L indicator in the standard system. If you donot require this, you can deactivate the corresponding heading lines inthe form for balance confirmations by means of the format line (entry/*).
    You can obtain the list of fields which you can sort by, by using thePossible entries pushbutton (F4). The list of fields which you canselect contains a selection of the fields from the document tables BKPFand BSEG. In the case of balance confirmations, however, only fieldswhich are contained in table BSIK can be selected. The HBELN fieldcontains the reference number (if an entry has been made in thisfield), otherwise the document number.

    Standard texts and forms
    You must create the standard texts that you use in the system.Similarly, you must also define and activate the forms in the systembefore you can use them to print the letters you require. The standardsystem includes forms that you can copy and adapt to your company'srequirements.
    RESET N1

    Standard texts
    You must create the standard texts to be defined in the system. You canuse the texts delivered with the standard system with the text ID ADRSas an example:
    Standard text for,,Name
    Letter header,,ADRS_HEADER
    Sender details,,ADRS_SENDER
    Signature text,,ADRS_SIGNATURE
    If the letter paper that you use for the balance confirmation letteralready contains certain details, do not define a standard text forthis in the system.

    In the standard system the following forms are used:
    Form for,,,,Form name
    Letter and
    Reply slip,,,,F130_CONFIRM_01
    Check list,,,,F130_LIST_01 and F130_LIST_02
    Results table,,,,F130_RESULT_01 or F130_RESULT_02
    Error list,,,,F130_ERROR_01 or F130_ERROR_02
    If you define your own form, the form name should contain theidentification code "F130".

    Explanation of the forms.

    Letter and reply slip.
    The letter and reply slip are stored in a single form set. In thestandard system this is, for example, the standard formF130_CONFIRM_01. The name is derived from: Program identificationcode_Form name_Number. If you use different form sets for customers andvendors, you can create separate forms.
    The form consists of the following pages: FIRST (first page) and NEXT(next pages) for the letter and FIRST_B (first page) and NEXT_B (nextpages) for the reply slip.

    The windows in the letter
    The following windows must be defined for the letter:
    In the letter header, use the company code-dependent standard text thatyou defined in the system for the header.
    The company code-dependent standard text for the sender details and theaddress of the vendor which you defined in the system are printed inthe address window. The address is formulated according to postalrules.
    In this window, general information such as place of posting, issuedate, and details on the accounts and accounting clerks is provided.
    Date specification on the following page.
    In the footer on the first page of the letter, the appropriate companycode-dependent standard text is printed.
    Page numbering of the following pages.
    Via its text elements,the main window defines the content and theappearance of a letter text, and of the itemized list of open items.

    The text elements of the letter
    You should enter the letter texts in the "MAIN" window in differentsections for the various different procedures and letters:
    Letters,,,, Element number
    Balance confirmations,,,, 510
    Balance notifications,,,, 511
    Balance requests,,,, 512
    Reminder for balance confirmations,,,, 513
    Reminder for balance requests,,,, 514
    Enter the reply slip address as well as the date in the text.
    The closing form and the signature (515) complete the letter text.
    The blank line (516) divides the signature from the beginning of thedetailed (itemization) list of open items. It is also used for bothspecial G/L and non-special G/L transactions after the output of atotals line or a totals table.
    The detailed list of open items is issued with balance confirmationsand balance notifications. It begins with the heading (520) and thecolumn heading (530). If the list covers several pages, the columnheading is repeated on each new page.
    When using item sorting method 2, which itemizes according to branch orhead office, each open item is marked with a branch address (540) or ahead office address (541).
    If you have selected open items (550), they are listed. In this listyou can define the extent and order of the information on any openitem. You can mark open items in a list for a head office with thebranch account number, and in a list for a branch which is processedlocally, you can mark them with a head office account number. If thereare no open items available on the reconciliation key date, this isnoted for individual and one-time vendors as a whole (551). With headoffices and decentrally processed branches, there may be no balance forthe head office and/or individual branches. In this case, you mustdifferentiate between zero balances, which show there are no open itemsfrom direct postings to a head office or a branch (552), and zerobalances, where if there are open items, they apppear in the headoffice account. The latter are marked with a head office (in the listsof locally processed branches) (553) and with a branch (in head officelists) (554).
    If you change the special G/L indicator, a subtotal will be generatedaccording to the open items in question, which you can sort accordingto transaction currency (560 - 562).
    When you use item sorting method 2, you may, in the following places,sort subtotals according to transaction currency:

    • after the line items of a branch (570 - 574)

    • after the line items of a head office (575 - 579)

    • after the line items of a branch that are recorded in the head office
    • account (570 - 574)
      After the open items, you may sort the sum total (580 - 584) accordingto transaction currency.
      When you use item sorting method 1, which lists open items withoutdifferentiating between head office and branch, the overall balancestatement is preceded by a list of the following accounts that wereincluded in the itemization: the branches of a head office (590 - 591)or the head offices which record the items of a branch (592 - 593).
      The overall balance statement for a head office with locally processedbranches is preceded by a note (594), indicating that the branchesshould receive separate letters.
      The window "INFO" has the following elements:
      • Text element 505 gives the name of the accounting clerk at your vendor
      • and the account number of your company with that vendor.
        • Text element 506 does not contain this information.
        • The reply slip window
          For the reply slip the following windows must be defined:
          The vendor's address is printed in the letter header. Postalregulations will determine the formatting of the address.
          This window contains the sender details for the vendor and the replyslip address, which is formatted according to postal regulations.
          This window contains general information such as account details andthe issue date of the letter. For extra information which the vendormay be required to fill in, you can also add several blank lines, whichshould be marked with asterisks.
          The main window defines, via its elements, the content and appearanceof the reply slip text.

          The text elements for the reply slip.
          After the company code address (610) of the company for which a balanceconfirmation is to be made, the branches or head offices (611 - 618)included in the confirmation are listed both for head offices andlocally processed branches. Balance confirmations and notfications canbe handled here separately from balance inquiries.
          With balance confirmations and notifications, the reply slip alsocontains a statement of the overall open item balance (620 - 631).
          The part of the reply slip where the vendor replies is set up as agroup of text blocks to be selected. You can specify either thesuggested answers or those to be filled out for balance confirmations(642 - 644), balance notifications (645, 646) and balance requests (651- 672). The texts of these elements are always treated as consecutiveparagraphs and are not divided by a page break. Texts which are not tobe treated in this way appear first in the reply slip: balanceconfirmation (640), balance request (641) and balance inquiry (650).
          If you do not wish to use the texts delivered with the system, you havethe following possibilities:

          • If you only want a short, word-wrapped text without the above-mentioned
          • paragraph status in your letter, enter this text under the elements640, 641 und 650.
            • If you want to use the paragraph status, you can enter your texts under
            • the other appropriate elements, such as 645, 646 oder 651.
              The reply slip ends with the closing form and signature (680)
              Only print the reply slip footer (690) if at least one paragraph willbe issued for which a footnote in the sample form set exists. You canalso use a footer (691), which then appears on every page of the replyslip. These options should only be used when the element not being usedin each case is completely deleted from the form. If the elements forthe footers are not present in the form, there is (in contrast to otherelements) no notification of this in the error log.
              The following elements exist for the "INFO2" window:
              • Text element 605 gives the name of the accounting clerk at your vendor
              • and your company's account number with the vendor.
                • Text element 606 does not contain this information.
                • Check list
                  A check list is provided for each company code. (i.e., F130_LIST_01 forCOURIER 12 or F130_LIST_02). The form consists of the pages LI_FIRST(first page) and LI_NEXT (second page).

                  The windows for the check list
                  The following windows must be defined for the check list:
                  Here information similar to the ABAP lists for the FI application isgiven. You can record additional information such as reconciliation keydate and run ID here, as well as the title of the list. The header isrepeated on every page of the list.
                  The main window defines, via its elements, the content and theappearance of the check list.

                  The text elements for the check list.
                  The following elements must be defined in the "MAIN" window for thecheck list:
                  The check list begins with details on the program run. If it is thefirst list, the issue date and the required reply date (710), forexample, can be given. You can also provide additional information whenwriting reminder letters (720).
                  The column heading (730) appears on every page.
                  Account details and the total balance are given in local currency (740)for individual vendors, one-time accounts and head offices/branches.
                  Branches included in the balance confirmations of head offices (741)and head offices included in the balance confirmations of locallyprocessed branches (742) are not given with amount details.
                  For one-time accounts, the total balance in local currency and otherinformation (743) is listed as address data of balance confirmations.
                  At the end of the check list, the sum total of the balances of allvendors recorded in the check list (760) is displayed.
                  You can divide all total balances and the sum total according tocurrency (750), with the exception of the total balances of one-timeaccounts.
                  A check list ends with statistical details (770), such as the number ofbalance confirmations generated or the number of letters with a totalbalance of zero. Partial zero balances are not taken into considerationor counted separately in the check list.

                  Results table
                  For each company code, a results table is generated (for exampleF130_RESULT_01 for COURIER 12 or F130_RESULT_02), for the purpose ofevaluating each balance confirmation run. The list must, to a largeextent, be filled out manually. The form consists of the pages ET_FIRST(first page) and ET_NEXT (second page).

                  The windows of the results table
                  The following windows must be defined for the results table:
                  Here, information similar to the ABAP lists for the FI application isgiven. You can record additional information here, such asreconciliation key date and run ID, as well as the title of the list.The header is repeated on every page of the list.
                  The main window's elements define the content and appearance of theresults table.

                  The Text Elements in the Results Table
                  For the results table, the following elements must be defined in the"MAIN" window:
                  The results table starts with details on the program run. For initialletters, you can display information such as the issue date and therequested reply date (805). For reminder letters, additionalinformation can be included (806).
                  The column heading (810) appears on each page.
                  The results table is divided into the following areas in the sampleform:

                  • Data from the program run in question (820-829)

                  • Sections for reply slips not returned (830-832)

                  • Sections for the evaluation of reply slips retuned without a reply or a
                  • confirmation (840-850)
                    • Sections for evaluating reply slips with confirmations (850-896)

                    • As a supplement, you may wish to display a list which is not divided upinto elements or a continuous text (899).
                      The data on the program run basically repeats the statistical detailsand sum total from the check list, which is given by currency(820-823). This data is supplemented by percentage details on theindividual amounts. The amount used as a reference to work out thepercentage of amounts in local currency is the total in local currencyor, (where there are several currencies with balances in local currencywhich have differing signs (+ or -), the totals in local currency per +or - sign. There are separate elements for program runs which onlygenerate confirmations of zero balances (824-827).
                      The last data generated by the program is the sum total in localcurrency (827). There is a separate element for zero balances (828).The system also produces a special display in cases where the programrun results in the confirmation of amounts in local currency, wherebythere are some individual balances in local currency with differentsigns (+ or -) (828-829).
                      The area for the list of non-returned letters (for balanceconfirmations, balance requests) basically consists of a linecontaining text and the key for a document currency (830). If severalcurrencies occur in a program run, extra lines are issued for the extracurrencies (831). If the run produces only zero balances, the systemproduces a special display (832). There are also separate elements forbalance confirmations with mainly non-returned letters (833-835).
                      The area for the list of letters returned without a confirmation isdivided into a line of heading or text (840) and the areas forundelivered letters (841-844) and reply slips that have been sent backunanswered for other reasons (845-848). The individual sections for theundelivered letters and the reply slips without confirmations basicallyeach consist of a line which contains, among other things, the text anda document currency (841, 845). If a program run produces severalcurrencies, extra lines are issued for the extra currencies (842, 846).If the run produces only zero balances, the system produces a specialdisplay (843, 847). For the first letter for balance confirmations andbalance requests the system also issues an 'of which' marker toindicate how many of the reply slips were returned after receiving areminding letter (844, 848).
                      The area for the list of reply slips returned with a confirmation isdivided into a general section (850-853), a section for identicalconfirmations (854-856) and a section for differing confirmations(860-896).
                      The general section for all reply slips with a confirmation consists ofa line which contains, among other things, the text and a documentcurrency (850). If a program run produces several currencies, thesystem issues extra lines (851) for the extra currencies. If theprogram results in only zero balances, the system produces a specialdisplay (852). In the initial letters for balance confirmations andrequests, the system issues an 'of which' marker to indicate thosereply slips that were only returned after a reminder letter had beensent (853). The system always issues a line for both identical andnon-identical confirmations, which contains, among other things, thetext and a document currency (854, 860). If there are severalcurrencies in a program run, the system issues extra lines for theextra currencies (855, 861). If the program produces only zerobalances, the system produces a special display (856, 862). Thenon-identical confirmations can be further sub-divided into lines fortext (863, 880, 890), lines with, among other things, text and adocument currency (870, 881, 891, 894), extra lines for severalcurrencies (871, 882, 892, 895) and lines for only zero balances (872,883, 893, 896).
                      You may, as an alternative or a supplement to the method used in thesample form for evaluating balance confirmation runs, have the systemissue a continuous text or a list which is not sub-divided (899).

                      Text symbols you can use
                      When you set up the forms in SAPscript, text symbols are merged withthe text which are replaced by relevant values when the print programis run. The fields which can be used for this are defined in the datadictionary and are provided by the system in line with the program runin the following way:

                      • For the whole program run

                      • Description of the confirmation procedure (field RF130-BZSBVERF)
                        Reconciliation key date (field RF130-ABSTIDAT)
                        Issue date (field RF130-AUSSTDAT)
                        Previous issue date (field RF130-UAUSTDAT)
                        Reply date (field RF130-RUECKDAT)
                        Previous reply date (field RF130-URUECKDA)
                        Run index (field RF130-LAUFI)
                        Program name (field RF130-REPID)
                        • For the output on a company code

                        • Data from the company code table (table T001)
                          Company code address (internal structure BKADR)
                          Reply address (internal structure RAADR)
                          • Letter and reply slip

                          • Customer address = vendor, one-time vendor from document (internalstructure DKADR)
                            Company code-specific account data = vendor accts (fieldsLFB1-BUKRS, LFB1-BUSAB, LFB1-LNRZE, LFB1-LNRZB, LFB1-XVERR, LFB1-EIKTO,LFB1-ZSABE, LFB1-XDEZV)
                            Accounting clerk (table T001S)
                            Accounting clerk address data from the personnel-related address of theSAPoffice user (structure FSABE)
                            • Itemization of open items in the letter

                            • Line item data (fields RF130-BLART, RF130-BLDAT, RF130-DMSHB,RF130-WRSHB, RF130-WAERS, RF130-GSBER, RF130-BELNR, RF130-XBLNR,RF130-BELEGNUM, RF130-SGTXT, RF130-UMSKZ, RF130-MONAT, RF130-GJAHR,RF130-BSCHL, RF130-BSTAT, RF130-ZUONR, RF130-NETDT, T003T-LTEXT, allBSIK fields).
                              Zero balance for vendor, one-time vendors, head offices/branches (fieldRF130-KONTO)
                              Listing of head offices/branches in line item data (field RF130-KONTO)and in separate address sections (internal structures FIADR, ADRZE,table *T001S)
                              Balances are issued according to the respective document currencies(fields RF130-WAERS, RF130-SALDO). Where the balances are listed byspecial G/L indicator there is also a description of the special G/Lindicator (field T074T-LTEXT).
                              • Reply slip

                              • Output of head offices/branches (internal structures FIADR, ADRZE table*T001S, *FSABE)
                                In each case, balances are issued in the relevant document currency(fields RF130-WAERS, RF130-SALDO).
                                • Check list

                                • Itemization of vendors (fields RF130-KONTO, RF130-LIFNR, RF130-NAME1,RF130-LAND1, RF130-PSTLZ, RF130-ORT01, RF130-REGIO, RF130-HWAER,RF130-SALDOHW, RF130-WAERS, RF130-SALDO, RF130-GSALDD)
                                  Sum total (field RF130-GSALDB)
                                  Statistical data (fields RF130-ANZSALDB, RF130-ANZNULLS)
                                  Details on a sample (fields RF130-ANZKONT, RF130-STICHPR)
                                  • Results table

                                  • General part
                                    Statistical data (fields RF130-ANZSALDB, RF130-ANZNULLS)
                                    Balances, currencies and percentages (fields RF130-HWAER,
                                    RF130-SALDOHW, RF130-GSALDB, RF130-PROZS, RF130-WAERS, RF130-SALDO,
                                    Further evaluations (fields RF130-HWAER, RF130-WAERS)

                                    For each vendor, a letter and a reply slip are issued. For each companycode, a check list, a results table and (if necessary) an error listare issued. In order to test this, you can have the system issue thisdata on the screen. If the forms and lists are sent to the spool, thetitle of the output request consists of the following: theidentification number F130K, the first four characters of the programvariant you are using, the reconciliation key date and the companycode. The identification numbers have the following meanings:

                                    • F130K0 = Spool request with selection cover sheet

                                    • F130K1 = Spool request with letter and replies

                                    • F130K2 = Spool request with check list

                                    • F130K3 = Spool request with results table

                                    • F130K4 = Spool request with error list

                                    • INCLUDE FI_APAR_SAPF130_BKRSUEBERGR OBJECT DOKU ID TX

1643828SAPF130D: Sonderzeichen bei FAX-Versand
145200Correspondence: data from central address management
357700Expiring currencies: Balance confirmations
391655Address number at one-time line items
33913Results of SAPF130K/SAPF130D <> FK10/FD10