SAP Program SAPF120G - Generating Report for SAPF120

The generation report SAPF120G uses the control report SAPF120R andwrites the coding (processing logic) contained in it with changedheaders plus the screen filling routines newly generated into the reportSAPF120.
The filling routines are used to supply the screens, additionalscreens, and the CPD screen possible within the transaction "Implementrecurring entry (FBD5)" with data.
The generation report can be used for updating the report SAPF120 whenchanging the input fields of a screen or when changing the number ofpossible screens.

All screens of the transaction FBD5 are to be stored in the includeRFBIDBDY. When changing the number of screens or the existing screennames, this include is to be maintained.

Updated report SAPF120:
The attributes of Sapf120 are set with defaults.
The first comment lines of the report SAPF120R were adapted for thereport SAPF120.
The processing logic from SAPF120R is transferred to SAPF120.
SAPF120 contains the following generation information:

  • DATE = date of the last generation

  • TIME = time of day of the last generation

  • USER = user who carried out the generation

  • The following form routines were generated due to screen names storedin the include RFBIDBDY:
    • The routine FORM DYNPRO_FUELLE USING DYNNA is used to select the
    • filling routine required in each case during the program run of SAPF120.
      • The individual filling routines FORM DYN_MMMMMMMMNNNN_FUELLEN
      • (MMMMMMMMNNNN = screen name) are used for data transport per screen andper input field.
        However, no data transport is carried out for the screen fields listedbelow since the values are set automatically by the program SAPF120 orwhen updating the actual documents:
        OK code OK-CODE
        Indicator: Alternative payment recipient RF05A-REGUL
        Document number of the accounting document BKPF-BELNR
        Fiscal month BKPF-MONAT
        Exchange rate BKPF-KURSF
        Translation date BKPF-WWERT
        Amount in local currency BSEG-DMBTR
        Amount for update in the general ledger BSEG-PSWBT
        Tax amount in local currency BSEG-MWSTS
        Base date for due date calculation BSEG-ZFBDT
        In the present version, data transport is also not carried out forcertain fields which affect Cash management and Fixed Assets Management:
        Post divestiture to fixed assets directly RF05A-XAABG
        Transaction type fixed assets RF05A-NEWBW
        Reference date BSEG-BZDAT
        Planned amount in document currency BSEG-FDWBT
        Planning date BSEG-FDTAG

1048146SAPF120: syntax error caused by the BSEZ-XEGDR_HU field
658991FB01: Consolidtn transctn type on customer/vendor line itms
875522SAPF120: Hiding ledger selection
509295SAPF120/SAPF121 syntax error after generating
359230Expiring currencies in recurring entry original documents
317679FBD1: AA301 'Enter an asset number'
138218OXK3: Problems with customer fields in batch input