SAP Program SAPF056ALEDEL - FI Customer Master Record Data Deletion Program (ALE)

Program SAPF056ALEDEL deletes customer master data in those systems inwhich this data was distributed using Application Link Enabling (ALE).
It deletes only that data the original of which is not in the system inwhich the program is run. The decision as to the system in which theoriginal of a data record exists is made (using Business TransactionEvents) at general data, company code data and sales and distributiondata level.
The number of master records for deletion depends on your selectionsregarding:

  • Customer number

  • Company codes (if FI data is to be taken into account)

  • Sales organization (if SD data is to be taken into account) and

  • System conditions (see below for criteria).

  • Note also that this program only takes master data into account forwhich deletion indicators have been set (see below).


    Program Modes
    This program can be run in three different modes:
    Deletion of general data only
    Deletion of application-specific data only
    Deletion of general and application-specific data

    Check on Whether Data can be Deleted
    Mode 1: The general data selected must have been marked for deletionand there must be no dependencies with company code-specific data. Forexample, you cannot delete a customer's general data until you havefirst deleted their company code data.
    Moreover, you cannot delete the general data if the customer is thebusiness partner of another customer, or one of his contact persons isalso allocated to another customer as contact person (table KNVP:Customer Master Partner Functions).
    Mode 2: The selected application-specific data must satisfy theapplication criteria in question:

    • FI: Company code data can be deleted provided the following no longer
    • exists:
      G/L account figures
      Transaction figures
      Open items
      Cleared items.
      The deletion indicator must also be set at company code level.
      • SD: Sales area data can be deleted if the the customer is not active in
      • a customer archive for this sales area (table KNVH) and the customerKNVH) and their contact person are not active as partner in sales anddistribution documents (VBPA). To improve performance, the sales anddistribution document check can be deselected.
        Mode 3: The general data and application-specific data you selectedmust be marked for deletion. The system deletes a record in the generaldata segment and the application-specific segment if the deletion flagis set in the general data segment. If the deletion flag is set in theapplication-specific segment only, then only this segment is deleted.This application-specific data must also satisfy the criteria for mode2 above.
        The general data segments are deleted if all dependentapplication-specific segments are deleted and there is no reference tothe customer from any other source.


        Detail log
        If you select the "Detail log" indicator on the selection screen, thesystem outputs several lists displaying the master data that was notdeleted. This data is broken down between general data andapplication-specific data, and the reason why the data was not deletedis also given.

        Overview log
        Following the detail log, this program then outputs an overview log,the first part of which contains information on the quantity of generaldata that was read and which can be deleted. This is followed by thestatistics for the various applications. The final part of the logcontains general data on the deletion run such as user name and theselections.

        If you are starting this deletion program for the first time and havealready run the link validation check (default setting) then you shouldfirst start program SAPF047 to generate the link information.