SAP Program SAPDBF1S - Logical database F1S

Logical Database for BC Training Courses
The program SAPDBF1S controls access to the tables SPFLI, SFLIGHT andSBOOK from the BC_TRAVEL flight data model

Selection Screen
The standard selection screen 1000 has the variant STUDENTS.

Technical Details
The database program reads data from the three hierarchically dependenttables SPFLI, SFLIGHT and SBOOK in the form of nested SELECTstatements. The ranges tables r_connid is used to complete the key forthe table SPFLI.
All nodes are used for field selection (GET ... FIELDS). The node SPFLIis intended for free selections. A selection view exists in which thefield SPFLI-CONNID is offered.
An authorization check is made on the object S_CARRID. This check isalways made (PAI) for the selection CARRID if Execute is chosenon the standard selection screen, and Check or Copy ischosen for the multiple selections.
You can call the logical database locally with the function moduleLDB_PROCESS. To enable this, the form routines LDB_PROCESS_INIT andLDB_PROCESS_CHECK_SELECTIONS are integrated into the database program.

The authorization check for the object S_CARRID is made in the formLDB_PROCESS_CHECK_SELECTIONS. If the check is negative, a sy-subrc <> 0is sent to the calling program. The message sent is message 45 in themessage class BCTRAIN. The exceptions must be analyzed in the callingprogram (function module LDB_PROCESS).