SAP Program SAPDBBRM - Access Program for Data Base BRM

Logical database BRM

The user must have authorization for activity 03 (display) for thefollowing authorization objects:
Segment,,,, Authorization object
BKPF,,,,,,F_BKPF_BUK accounting document: companycode
BKPF,,,,,,F_BKPF_BLA accounting document: documenttype
BSEG,,,,,,F_BKPF_GSB accounting document: businessarea
EKKO,,,,,,M_BEST_EKO purchasing organization inthe purchase order
EKPO,,,,,,M_BEST_WRK plant in the purchase order
If during the selection, the logical database determines that the userdoes not have all necessary authorizations, a message is created foreach object refused.
In dialog processing, only the last message is shown, but in backgroundprocessing, all messages are written to the job log.

934526Logical database BRM: Error reading the BSET table