SAP Program SAPDBBRF - SAPDBBRF Logical Database

Purpose of table B0SG
Selection screen variants
Selection parameters "Ledger" and "Ledger Group" (new General LedgerAccounting)

The report SAPDBBRF controls access to the Financial Accounting documentdata base. Since the program only contains physical access routines forthe logical data base, it cannot be started separately.

Purpose of table B0SG
The selection scope of the logical data base SAPDBBRF (document database) is controlled via the selection parameters from table B0SG. Thereare 3 parameter groups:

  • Master data selection

  • By marking the parameters, you can decide whether the master datainformation is also to be read for the selected documents. (Additionalreading of the master data information).
    • Selection by document status

    • By selecting the document status, you can limit the selection to astatus (normal document, recurring document, statistical document).
      • Additional document information

      • Here you decide whether bill of exchange data or one-time account datais to be processed for the document.
        The selection of normal documents, one-time account data and bill ofexchange data is set as a default value (time of initialization of thelogical data base SAPDBBRF).
        If a change of the document status or additional document information isrequired, then the new selection parameters must be transferred from thereport to the logical data base SAPDBBRF AT THE TIME OF INITIALIZATIONOR AT THE START OF SELECTION.
        Report example: RFDAUB00.
        When processing master data information, note in particular:
        The information as to which master data (customer, vendor, G/L accounts)and to what extent it is to be selected (transfer of the select optiontables) must take place at the time of the GET B0SG command.
        When processing recurring entry original documents, note inparticular:
        If the selection time is to be optimized and o n l y recurring entryoriginal documents are to be processed in the report, the selection ofnormal documents is to be switched off (B0SG-XSTAN = BLANK) and theselection of recurring entry original documents is to be switched on(B0SG-XSTAD = 'X') at the time of initialization or at the start ofselection in the report.

        Selection screen variants
        In the standard system, there is a basic selection screen (screen number950) and 3 screen variants for the logical data base SAPDBBRF. Thisscreen is entered in the database as its own selection screen. Itcontains all database selections up to the archive contents selection.This is carried out using the 901 selection screen. The followingsection contains descriptions of each selection screen.
        The available fields on a screen are indicated with an 'X'.
        Field name Selection screen variant
        950 900 901 902 903
        Company code X X X X X
        Document number X X X
        Fiscal year X X X
        Document type X
        Posting date X X X
        CPU Date X
        Reference X X X
        Reference transaction X
        Reference key X
        Logical system X
        X - Read items sequentially X X
        X - Archive files requested X X
        X - Process archive only X X
        The screen 900 is used by programs which only need the document type andthe company code as selections, for example in the recurring entryprogram.
        Screen 901 is only intended for report evaluations which are to accessdocuments already archived. By entering the screen number (0901) in thereport attributes and regenerating the report, the system offers theadditional parameters on the selection screen. For test purposes,processing of the archive can be started via the Program SAPF042.
        WARNING: In order for processing of the archive to be also possible inbatch, the report to be requested must contain Table SARKEY (TABLES:SARKEY) in its definitions. You should also make sure that the directoryin which the archived datasets are found, is also on the machine onwhich the batch process runs.
        Screen 902 is used by programs which only need the document type andcompany code selections but also read archives. It is used, for example,by the report for business area transfer postings. The commentsmentioned above apply for the processing of the archived data.
        Screen 903 is used by all programs which do not allow a sequentialdocument evalaution or which only evaluate document headers. In the caseof online evaluations, sequential processing should be forbidden.
        The option 'Read items sequentially' is used for improving theperformance when editing mass data. It is difficult to make a generalstatement as to whether reading sequentially is better for performance,but experience has shown that it is useful to use this option if atleast 20% of the selected document headers lead to document processing(and the processing of the line items is not prevented by selectioncriteria at document header level). This option requires all selecteddocument headers to be stored in a data base-internal table which leadsto an increased need for roll or paging area.
        Authorization checks
        Depending on the fields selected in B0SG, authorization checks takeplace for

        • Account type authorization (F_BKPF_KOA)

        • Company code authorization (F_BKPF_BUK)

        • Account authorization (F_KNA1_BED, F_LFA1_BEK, F_SKA1_BES)

        • IF &[SWITCH]FAGL_FIN_GL_2_RS& = 'X'.

          Selection Parameters "Ledger" and "Ledger Group" (new General LedgerAccounting)
          Provided that new General Ledger Accounting has been activated, theLedger field is used as the selection parameter in the logicaldatabase. With the standard setting, the Ledger input field isfilled with the leading ledger. If the user sets the Ledger fieldto initial, the system reads the leading ledger.
          In addition, the user can also select values using the ledger group
          . If the user wants to have this selection criterion on the screen,he or she needs to switch the MODIF ID GRP to active (screen is active =1) and to set the indicator XLDGRP = X for table B0SG. Provided that itis possible to select the ledger group, the ledger may also be leftempty. Provided it is possible to select the ledger group on thescreen, the system makes selections according to the following list:
          Ledger,,Ledger Group,,Selection
          INITIAL,,INITIAL,,No restriction to ledger and ledger group
          EQ SPACE,,Any,,Error message instructs the user to check the valuesentered
          INITIAL,,EQ SPACE,,Selection of the ledger group "SPACE"
          EQ LDNR,,INITIAL,,Selection of all ledger groups containing ledger LDNR
          INITIAL,,(N)EQ LDGRP,,Selection of the ledger group LDGRP
          EQ LDNR,,(N)EQ LDGRP,,Error message instructs the user to enter either aledger or a ledger group
          Example report: RFBELJ00

1418544Plus/minus sign zero balance clearing items in doc journal
1362621SAPDBBRF: Period end accrual/deferral in non-leading ledger
925217GDPdU: Access to RFUMSV00 by tax auditors
871770SAPDBBRF: Evaluations for ledger with alternative FY
449626Tax reduction law FI: logical databases
486273Logical DB (BRF):posting date in the selection view
359028Line items: Expiring currencies