SAP Program SAPDBBMM - Access Routine for Database BMM

Program SAPDBBMM contains the access routines for reporting. Allreports that use the database BMM in the attributes can read materialdocuments for the material.
The standard selection screen is generated automatically.
Selection can be made according to the following criteria:

  • Material

  • Company code

  • Authorization checks are performed by the database. The user must haveDisplay authorization (activity 03) for the followingauthorization objects:
    Segment:,,Authorization Object:
    MBEW,,M_MATE_BUK Valuation Record: Material in
    ,,Company Code
    MBEW,,(M_MATE_WRK If the valuation takes place at
    ,,plant level)
    MSEG,,M_MSEG_WMB Material Document: Plant
    BKPF,,B_BKPF_BUK Accounting Document:
    ,,Company Code
    BKPF,,F_BKPF_BLA Accounting Document: DocumentType
    BSEG,,F_BKPF_GSB Accounting Document:
    ,,Business Area
    If, during selection, the logical database determines that the userdoes not have all necessary authorizations, only one message is createdfor each rejected object. In the dialog processing, only the lastmessage can be seen, whereas in the background processing, all messagesare written to the job log.
    In addition, the selection has an extra field Plant. Theselection now works as follows:
    Segment:,,Restriction According To:
    MARA,,Material Number
    As of MBEW,,Company Code and Plant
    For valuation at plant level, selection made according to plant alsoapplies at the valuation area from the MBEW segment.
    For materials with split valuation, as well as the valuation recordswith valuation type, there is also a "totals record" without valuationtype in database table MBEW. The logical database BMM delivers allrelevant valuation records, independenly of the valuation type.
    If you are using valuated special stocks for sales orders and projects,consider the corresponding entries from database tables EBEW and QBEWas well as the valuation records from database table MBEW.

690027FAQ: Reporting IM (no LIS)
604209Logical DB BMM: Preventing the DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL error
452497Logical database BMM: Incorrect currency format