SAP Program SAPCDT45 - HR-PDC: Post personnel time events

This report posts the person time events from the interface tableCC1TEV to Time Management.
If you require statistics on the processed time events, select Log
. You then get a list showing the processing status and
The number of time events:

  • Read from the interface

  • Posted to Time Management

  • Entered in the error pool in Time Management

  • Left in the interface table because the personnel number was locked
  • These time events are accessed again the next time the report is run.
    • The time events that were rejected by time evaluation. They are deleted
    • from table CC1TEV but not posted to Time Management.
      Time events are rejected by time evaluation if, for example, timeevents would be duplicated during a subsequent uploading from thesubsystem. In Customizing for Personnel Time Management, you performthe Settings for Pair Formation step in statusA00 to determine which time event should be rejected or deleted.

      The report is scheduled as a step of a job and is usually runperiodically.