SAP Program R_SRS_PDC_SO_DISP_DATA_OUT - SAP Retail Store: MRP Data Output

The system uses this report to transfer (export)material requirementsplanning data for the selected plants to theSAP Business Connector.The data is ordered hierarchically according to theassortment list structure.Information about the current stock and open receipts is also includedin the material requirements planning data. You can also exportcustomer-related data, such as a sales history, where the system fillsthe data container concerned using a BAdI.

You need to install a suitable service in the SAP Business Connectorfor processing or forwarding data that is exported here.

You can also scheduleparallel processing forthe data export. This involves the system starting a separate processfor each selected plant. You can enter a server group for parallelprocessing. You can limit the number of processes to a maximum valuefor processing if further processes from other jobs are to be executedon the server group.
Errors that occur in the processing are logged in the application log(transaction SLG1) under object W_SRS and subobject PDC_SO_DISPDATA.