SAP Program RXWBOAUT - XPRA for Release 4.0 for Converting CTS Authorizations

The XPRA RXWBOAUT converts the existing authorizations and profiles forauthorization object S_TRANSPRT in such a way that the changes maderemain transparent in the authorization structure. Users can continueto do everything they used to, without the administrator having tointervene.


  • References to authorizations S_CTS_TR_ALL and S_CTS_ADMIN are added to
  • all references to authorization S_CTS_ALL
    • References to authorizations S_CTS_EPS and S_CTS_PIECLS are added to
    • all references to authorization S_CTS_PROJEC
      • A reference to authorization S_CTS_PIECLS is added to all references to
      • authorization S_CTS_DEVELO


        • The values 'DLOC', 'DTRA', 'CUST', 'MOVE' are added to all references
        • to the value 'ORDR' for the field S_TRANSPRT-TTYPE;
          • The value '23'(change in editor) is added to all references to the
          • value '02'(change) for the field S_TRANSPRT-ACTVT.
            • References to the value '43' (Release) for the field S_TRANSPRT-ACTVT
            • are extended with the valuse '78' (insert in transport proposal forspecial transport), if the authorization in the field TTYPE covers atleast one transportable request type (one of the values DTRA, CUST,TRAN, MOVE)