SAP Program RXE071KF - Fill E071KF for Open Customer Requests (from Existing E071KFINI)

RXE071KF saves the information on key fields of tables during the 4.0Aupgrade. This can be carried out as often as required during the 4.0Aupgrade (restartable), since information that has already been saved isrecognized.
To determine the relevant tables, the unreleased requests in the systemare analyzed for transport of table contents. For the tables found, thereport checks whether information on the nametab structure of the tableis available in Release 3.0 (in table E071KFINI). If it is, thisinformation is stored in table E071KF together with the respectiverequest number.
This table then serves as a basis in Release 4.0 for checks whentransporting table contents, for example when releasing or includingobject lists ('include template').

The report output is shown using the log interface, which allowsvarious expansion levels to be displayed.