SAP Program RWWWBPRO - Conversion profile of value-based inventory management

Transferring Value-Based Inventory Management Profiles from ValuationAreas to Retail-Specific Site Data.

As of Release 4.6C, distribution of retail site master data guaranteeshigh quality distributed data without inconsistencies.
Retail site master data consist of Customizing data and applicationdata. First you transfer Customizing data to the target system bycopying the client or transporting the IMG. You then distribute theapplication data by ALE. Distribution of customer master data andvendor master data of a retail site by ALE was already possible.However, you could not distribute retail-specific data, such as thefollowing, by ALE:

  • Departments

  • Material groups

  • General site data

  • As of Release 4.6C, retail-specific data is included in thedistribution of customer master data that is also dependent on thecustomer number of the site.
    The profile of the value-based inventory management is contained in thevaluation area (table T001K). Corresponding to this profile, you canmaintain controls and exceptions to the inventory management at thematerial group level in the site. Changes to the profile, controls, orexceptions are checked against the inventory management.
    To check such changes to the profile in the target system, thefollowing must be distributed at the material group level, so thatchanges to the original and new data can be checked for validity forinventory management:
    • The profile of the inventory management

    • Material groups

    • Control

    • Exceptions

    • This report transfers the corresponding profile of the inventorymanagement from the valuation area (Table T001K) to the retail-specificsite data (Table WRF1) based on the retail-specific data.
      If no site or valuation area can be determined for retail-specificdata, there are inconsistencies in the retail site. The site must becorrespondingly completed. You do this by a Customizing transport ofthe site and valuation area, or by exporting/importing a retail site(transactions WBTE and WBTI). Afterwards, start this report again.
