SAP Program RWVLB014 - Results List for Load Building

This transaction is used for displaying, checking and processing theresults of automatic load building.
The results of the automatic load building run are updated in tablesWBO1 (header) and WBO2 (items), giving you the opportunity to check andedit the results. With automatic load building, the results are deletedafter the number of days specified in Customizing has passed.
The combinations "vendor and purchasing organization" and "vendorsub-range and plant" (if available) are displayed at header level.
The individual document items (based on the purchase requisitions orpurchase orders) and any additional items generated are contained atitem level for each specific material.
If you simulated the load building run, you can delete entries atheader level, resulting in the relevant documents being included againin the load building run. At header level, you can also create purchaseorders for the sub-items.
You can also delete header entries and create purchase orders if noloads were built in the automatic load building run due to theconstraints (restrictions) not being complied with.
You can display all the relevant parameters and values for building aload and also branch to other additional data. At header level, thisdata includes vendor master data and restrictions, and at item levelthis includes pricing information, documents (purchase requisitions andpurchase orders), the current stock/requirements list, promotions forthe material and plant-specific material master data (in the logistics:DC view).
Follow-on documents are updated via the store order interface function.

The selection criteria for Vendors, Plants,Purchasing and Date of creation allows you to control therecords displayed. The date of creation refers to that of the resultsrecords, i.e. the timepoint at which load building was run.
Using the variant entered in Display Control, you can controlthe layout of the list. You can only use a display variant that waspreviously created on the results list screen