SAP Program RWVLB003 - Manual Load Building

You can use this function to build various purchase orders logically byassigning a common collective number. You can change or split theselected purchase orders that are to be built from the transaction.
You can control the purchase orders that have already been builtlogically by displaying them on screen or by printing them as a list.
Manual purchase-order-based load building is used in the procurementprocess to check and process order proposals (the purchase ordersgenerated in materials planning).
Manual and automatic purchase-order-based load building aims to reviewpurchase orders according to self-defined restrictions: in order toreduce shipment costs or achieve better pricing scales, for example.
Manual purchase-order-based load building offers greater flexibilityand control than automatic purchase-order-based load building. This isachieved with the following:

  • Restriction profile selection

  • Purchase orders can be freely combined

  • Interactive change of existing purchase orders

  • Purchase orders can be bundeled for different vendors and/or plants

  • In doing so, you can include vendors to whom no restriction profile hasbeen assigned and who are therefore irrelevant for automatic purchase-order-based load building.

    By using the vendors selection criteria, you can ensure thatonly purchase orders from specific vendors are taken intoconsideration. All selection criteria can be combined to do this. Ifyou flag the indicator purchase order load-building - vendors
    , only vendors whom have been assigned a restriction profile at therequired level in master data (independent from the restrictionsprofile selected here) are taken into consideration. If the indicatorhas not been flagged, only the vendors to whom no restriction profilehas been assigned will be included.
    The range of purchase orders is limited in such a way by usingplants that only purchase orders for selected plants can beincluded. In this case the selection criteria can be combined.
    You can directly limit purchase orders using document numbers orother characteristics. You can control if purchase orders are includedin the selection, even if they have already been released.
    An additional indicator controls if certain purchase orders are to beviewed if they are the only indicators to fulfill the selectedselection criteria themselves.
    The selection criteria that are found under purchasing can beused to limit the selected purchase orders even more.
    By using the control data, you can state the number of arestriction profile that is to be used in load building. Stating arestriction profile influences the selection of a purchase order. Ifyou do not enter a profile number here, the system automatically triesto define the restriction profile that is valid for all vendors of theselected purchase orders.
    If this is not possible because no restriction profile can be found orthe result is not clear enough, a dialog box appears for selecting arestriction profile.
    By stating a collective number you can only select purchase orders thathave already been bundled together to create an optimizedpurchase-order-based load under this number.
    By using the selection fields under processing, you can decideif you want to change the selected purchase orders for logical loadbuilding, or if you only want to view the purchase orders that havealready been bundled to create a load. You have a third option ofviewing a list of bundles purchase orders that is particularly suitablefor printing.