SAP Program RWVKPIC1 - Subsequent Compilation of Doc Indexes for Sls Prices: Create Worklist

Creating a worklist for the subsequent generation of pricing documents

You can use this program to create a worklist from the change pointersfor conditions (databasetable BDCP, logical message type CONDBI) for the subsequent generationof pricing documents withdocument indexes. Thisworklist is stored in the WIND database table as document type "11".

The pricing documents are generated from the worklist usingReport RWVKPIC2 (Subsequent Compilation of DocumentIndexes: Create Pricing Documents and Document Indexes).

Condition types for which worklist entries are to be generated must belisted in Customizing for Pricing under "Subsequent Index Compilationfor Sales Prices". For each condition type, the condition tables thatare to be taken into account when the worklist is created must bespecified.
Click here to call up Customizing.

The condition record number is a part of a changepointer for conditions (message type CONDBI). The program checkswhether this condition record number exists in a pricing document. Ifthis is not the case, a worklist entry is generated for the condition.
This program does not perform a check against the control parametersfor sales price calculations in Customizing for Pricing. This check isperformed in Report RWVKPIC2.