SAP Program RWVKP05U - Pricing document conversion: Fill field WKBP-KNUMH_V

As of Release 4.5A, for every pricing item for which conditions exist(document item status C in pricing document), the condition recordnumber for the sales price condition is saved in the pricing document.The database table WKBP (pricing document: item) and the table fieldKNUMH_V (number of sales price condition record) were extended forthis. If you have pricing documents created before Release 4.5A and areupgrading to Release 4.5A or higher, this field is filled with a zero.You use report RWVKP05U to add the condition record number for thesales price condition to pricing documents created before Release 4.5A.The addition of the condition record number improves performance duringarchiving, as it is easier for the system to access a sales pricecondition belonging to a document via the condition record number.

You can use this report to reduce the load on the system involved witharchiving pricing documents if there is a large number of pricingdocuments created before Release 4.5A. The following illustrates whenthe report should be used: During an archiving run, the system checksif relevant conditions still exist for a pricing document item in apricing document and if the conditions are still valid after thearchiving key date. Often, the number of pricing document items thatcan be archived is relatively small in relation to the total number ofpricing document items selected. This would be the case, for example,if you run the archiving program at regular intervals but do not useany specific selection criteria. If a company rarely changes the salesprice conditions, then a particular pricing document item createdbefore Release 4.5A may be checked more than once before it can bearchived. It would only be archived after a new sales price wascalculated for the particular combination of material andorganizational level. If, on the other hand, a company changes thesales price conditions frequently, this would mean that pricingdocument items created before 4.5A would be archived relativelyquickly. This report would not be suitable to improve performanceduring archiving.
If a large number of pricing document items are to be converted, youare advised to run the report more than once with different selectioncriteria and thus reduce the load on the system. For example, you couldrun the report ten times, each for a tenth of all plants and materials.The report should also be run in the background.

Further information
Information on archiving pricing documents is contained in the programdocumentation for
RWVKPAW1: Archiving write program for object W_KALK