SAP Program RWVKP01U - Change existing condition records to "relevant to pricing"

This conversion program converts entries in table KONP (conditions:item) from "not relevant to pricing" to "relevant to pricing"(indicator KONP-VKKAL). If scales exist (table KONM or KONW), the firstscale level is marked as relevant to pricing.
In sales price calculation, condition records are only taken intoaccount in purchase price determination if they are marked as "relevantto pricing". You can ensure that any condition records not yet createdwill have this attribute by setting the flag "Relevant to pricing"(T685A-VKKAL) next to the corresponding condition type. Existingcondition records, however, will not be changed when you change thisCustomizing setting. If you want these records to be taken into accountin sales price calculation, you can use this program to convert themaccordingly.
If there are too many condition records for conversion, you mightencounter runtime problems. If this is the case, limit the number ofcondition records to be converted by entering specific condition recordnumbers or schedule the program to run in the background.

The system issues a message informing you of the number of conditionrecords that were converted.