SAP Program RWSORT23 - Assortment Structure Per Assortment

This report generates the material groups-to-plants assignments forassortments or distribution chains according to the followingprocedure:
The selection options can be narrowed down to distribution chain (salesorganization and distribution channel), plants or material groups. Ifno selection option is specified, the user is asked whether all thedata is to be selected. Output can also be defined.
Processing involves three steps:
Firstly, all assortments are read from table T001W on the basis of theselection conditions and entered into the internal table IWERKS.
In the second step all the material groups for the qualifying plantsdetermined in the first step are read from table WRS6 and entered intothe internal table IWRS6.
Lastly, all the records determined by this procedure are displayed fromtable IWRS6.
If material group hierarchies are to be displayed, then for each basegroup determined the relevant hierarchy must be determined too. Outputdisplays only the highest hierarchy levels at first. By clicking on amaterial group in the hierarchy you can display the groups subordinateto it. If no hierarchy is displayed only the assignments to the basegroups are displayed.
For each base material group-to-plant assignment, the materialsassigned, or any appropriate change documents, can also be displayed.
Planned functionality:

All the fields in table WRS6 are displayed.

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