SAP Program RWRF_REF_AUTO_ASSIGNMENT - Automatic Assignment of References

This program allows you to assign multiple references to severalmaterial/plant combinations. In the selection screen, enter the optionsfor selecting the material/plant combinations you want. When you executethe report, the system processes all the material/plant combinationsthat correspond to the selection criteria that you entered.
To select the material/plant combinations to which you want assignmultiple references, choose one of the following options:

  • Set the Process Change Pointers indicator

  • When you execute the report, the system reads the change pointers thatare created by the material master maintenance programs to change theMRP Type or Reference Determination Schema field. Eachchange pointer identifies one material/plant combination. The programassigns multiple references to each combination during processing. Atthe end of processing, each change pointer is set to "Processed" toavoid double processing of the same change pointer.
    To restrict the number of change pointers that are processed, do one ofthe following:
    Enter a creation date for the change pointers
    This way, only change pointers in the specified time period areprocessed.
    Enter options for material and/or plant
    This way, only change pointers for the specified material/plantcombinations are processed.
    • Enter options for material and plant under Restrictions

    • When you execute the report, the system reads the material/plantcombinations in the database that correspond to your selection criteria.The program assigns multiple references to each of these combinationsduring the processing. Do NOT set the Process Change Pointersindicator.
      You can make the following entries under Log:
      • Show error list

      • Select this field to display a list of messages that occurred duringprocessing.
        • Write application log

        • Select this field to write the list of messages to the application log.The messages are stored permanently in the application log so that theycan be analyzed using standard tools.
          • Level of detail

          • Enter a value to see information messages in the message list. Forexample, enter value 1 if you want to see important information messagesonly, or value value 3 if you want to see all information messages.
            In the Parallel Processing section you can make entries forparallel processing.