SAP Program RWRF_PRICAT_INBOUND_SELGEN - Price Catalog: Generation of Customer-Specific Selection Screens

This report is used in the context of transaction "W_PRICAT_SEL_CREATE"to generate customer-specific selection reports for use within the pricecatalog maintenance ("W_PRICAT_MAINTAIN").

The generated report names can be stored in the price catalog's inboundprofile and are then called up automatically on starting price catalogmaintenance ("W_PRICAT_MAINTAIN").

You wish to add an additional field "hazard group" from the pricecatalog item to the standard selection screen and then use this field infuture for the selection of price catalog items.
To do this, you start transaction "W_PRICAT_SEL_CREATE", select thefields "EAN", "Date" and "Hazard Group" from the item table"PRICAT_K003" and generate report "Z_MY_SELECTION". Then you enter"Z_MY_SELECTION" in your price catalog's inbound profile and start thetransaction "W_PRICAT_MAINTAIN" with your profile.