SAP Program RWRF_CLOSESHOPS - Lock and Close Shops

When you close a shop, it triggers a series of processes that areindependent of one another in terms of time. This begins with the entryof a closure date for the shop, continues with the setting of blocksthat prevent the shop from being used operationally in procurement andsales processes, includes the discontinuation of all articles that arelisted in the shop's assortments, and ends with the shop being archived.If all shops in a department store have been closed, the departmentstore itself can also be closed.

This report enables you to enter closure dates and set locks - includingtheir validities - for various shops at the same time. Several shops areflagged, and are then all supplied with the information at the sametime. It is possible to edit these shops individually after this hasbeen done. If shops need to be closed for a limited amount of time, forexample, to be renovated, you can enter a reason for the closure evenwithout a closure date.

You can select the shops to close by department store or by category.They are then flagged in the selection of all shops, and the follow-onprocesses are started automatically for each of these shops.