SAP Program RWRF_ARC_SITES - Archiving of Department Stores and Shops

The report RWRF_ARC_SITES (transaction WRF_ARC_DEPSHOP) offerssimplified archiving of shops or department stores. Normally, executearchiving in the transaction SARA in two steps:
For the archiving object WS_ACSITE
For the archiving object FI_ACCRECV
This report carries out the two steps in a single run. You can only useit in the following conditions:

  • In Customizing, you must have defined that the deletion report for the
  • archiving object WS_ACSITE is automatically started after the writereport. The same setting is not mandatory for the archiving object, butis recommended, in order to prevent the deletion report from beingstarted in the transaction SARA at a later date.
    • If the report is started with a test indicator, the detail log for
    • WS_ACSITE contains a usable error message that indicates why a shop ordepartment store cannot be archived. The detail log for FI_ACCRECV onlyissues the message that no site exists for the debtor.
      • If the test is started without the test indicator, and the deletion
      • report for the archiving object FI_ACCRECV terminates, the site sectionis deleted from the database, but the debtor section still exists. It isnot possible to restart the report RWRF_ARC_SITES to delete the debtorsection at a later date. To do this, use transaction SARA.
        An internal variant (ARC_DEPST_SHOP) is used for the report. Thisvariant is overwritten in each run.