SAP Program RWMFA200 - Price Activation Markdown Plan

You use report "RWMFA200" to activate prices in markdown planning. Thefunctionality of the report is the same as that for transaction "WMF2"(change markdown plan) in the view "Detailed planning".

The markdown plan must be created.


  • Report "RWMFA200" can be executed in the background.

  • To increase processing speed, price activation can be carried out in
  • several parallel processes. The actual workload per process iscalculated by multiplying the number of items per process by the numberof price phases to be activated. For price activation at plant level,this also has to be multiplied by the number of plants.
    • You can activate prices for a selected markdown plan and a specific
    • distribution chain.

      • You can limit the material-price phases for which prices are to be
      • activated. If you do not enter any selection criteria, the prices ofall material-price phases are activated.


        • The error log is displayed or, in the case of background processing,

        • printed out.

        • The calculation table can be printed out if you use sequential
        • background price calculation.