SAP Program RWMBONF1 - Create test data: updating of external business volume data

The reports RWMBONF0 (Transfer External Data) and RWMBONF1 (Create TestData) are suitable tools for transferring data on the volume of businessdone with vendors and rebate income from external systems to the system.
They enable you to use the programs for "subsequent settlement"(end-of-period volume rebate settlement) even if you do not (yet)process your purchase orders, goods receipts, or incoming invoices usingthe system. In particular, they allow you to transfer your old (orexisting) data from system to system simply and easily.
Once you have set up the required volume rebate arrangements, you canimport the vendor business data and rebate income into the system. Onthe basis of certain price determination data such as vendor, material,material group, etc., the system automatically determines the relevantrebate arrangement and condition records and updates the vendor businessvolume data.
Report RWMBONF1 allows you to create a data file with external vendorbusiness data for test purposes and is intended to demonstrate the basicstructure of the data records.
Report RWMBONF0 enables you to test the transfer of the created datafile.
Also refer to the documentation "Transferring data from other systems".

Description of selection parameters
Note that F1 help is available for each parameter.

  • Save external vendor business volume data

  • Select whether you wish to have the test data saved on the applicationserver or on your front end (e.g. PC). Enter the relevant path and filenames. When specifying the path, note that depending on your systemconfiguration you can work on a different application server when youlog on again. You must specify a complete path, as otherwise data may bewritten to the installation directory of the system.
    • Scope of test data

    • Rebate arrangement
      Enter the arrangement for which you wish to create test data. You canstipulate that this arrangement number is adopted in each external datarecord. You can thus update the vendor business volume data for thisarrangement only. Condition records of other rebate arrangements, forwhich the vendor business volume data would also be relevant, will notthen be processed.
      Enter the organizational levels for which you wish to create test data.The program reads all data that satisfies your selection criteria andcreates an external data record for each combination of thecharacteristics.
      List output
      You have the option of issuing a list log showing you the external datarecords that have been created.
      Provisions for income
      Here you can specify whether and how the external test data is toinclude provisions for rebate income.
      Here you can specify whether the external test data is also to includeincome data.

      Enter a rebate arrangement in the system.

      You have the option of issuing a list log, showing you the data recordsthat have been created.

413786 Release notes 4.5 for subsequent settlement incomplete