SAP Program RWMBONF0 - Update Business Volume From Ext. Data File, Vendor Reb. Arrangements

The reports RWMBONF0 (Transfer External Data) and RWMBONF1 (Create TestData) are suitable tools for transferring data on the volume of businessdone with vendors and rebate income from external systems into the SAPsystem.
They enable you to use the programs for "subsequent settlement"(end-of-period rebate settlement) even if you do not (yet) process yourpurchase orders, goods receipts, or incoming invoices using the SAPsystem. In particular, they allow you to transfer your old (or existing)data from system to system simply and easily.
Once you have set up the necessary rebate arrangements, you can importthe vendor business data and rebate income to the system. On the basisof certain price determination data such as vendor, material, materialgroup, etc., the system automatically determines the relevant rebatearrangement and condition records and updates the vendor business volumedata.
Report RWMBONF0 serves the purpose of transferring (i.e. checking andupdating) a data file with external vendor business volume data.
Report RWMBONF1 enables you to create any necessary test data. From thesub-program SIMULATION, you can see how the external data records haveto be created.
See also "Transferring data from other systems" documentation.

Description of selection parameters
Note that F1 help is available for each parameter.

  • Import external vendor business volume data from

  • Choose whether you wish to have the test data imported from theapplication server or from your front end (e.g. PC). Enter the relevantpath and file names. When specifying the path, note that, depending onyour system configuration, you can work on a different applicationserver when you log on again. Specify a complete path otherwise data maybe written to the installation directory of the SAP system.
    • Updating

    • Test run, no update
      If you set this indicator, no database changes involving the LISstructures will be made. You can thus check which errors occur duringprocessing. Before you have the external data entered, it is essentialthat you first carry out a test run and then process and remedy anyerrors that may be reported via error messages.
      Save under version
      Specify the version under which the external data is to be entered inthe LIS structures.
      The actual data is contained in version '000' (test run beforeupdating). For test purposes, you can have the data inputted to one ofthe versions beginnning with the characters '&'). The third character isoptional. Other versions are not allowed.
      You can use report RMCVISCP or the LIS Copy Management Tool to copy databetween versions or delete data.
      Cancel update
      If you set this indicator, the update (entry of the external data) willbe cancelled (reversed). If an error that is relevant to updating shouldoccur during the process of updating (adding data to) version '000'(actual data), it is essential that you cancel the update. Otherwise youmust individually repost the relevant data record (separate externaldata file).
      • Delimitation of rebate arrangements selected

      • As with all the reports of the "subsequent settlement" (end-of-periodrebate settlement) function, you can narrow down the selection of therebate arrangements to be processed.
        • Control of program run

        • Each program run is assigned a name. If the run is prematurelyterminated due to a timeout, the system records which rebatearrangements have already been processed - and which have not - underthis name. This allows you to resume the execution of the program at anytime (do not set "New run" indicator, use variant if necessary - seebelow).
          If, in addition to the rebate arrangement numbers, you have enteredfurther delimiting selection criteria, it is essential that you storethe latter in a variant, since the system only saves the numbers of thearrangements that have not yet been processed.
          Enter a termination date and time. If these limits are exceeded, thereport will be terminated. You can continue processing the remaining,unprocessed rebate arrangements at a more suitable date later on withreference to the run name.
          You can stipulate that all rebate arrangements are blocked (dataconsistency). Of course, this may not be desirable during processing indialog mode. In addition, all rebate arrangements in the system(including those on the sales side, etc.) are blocked in such case.

          Enter/maintain the rebate arrangements in the system.
          Do not fail to carry out a test run. Examine any error messages that areissued, and remedy problem sources. Analyze the update data.

          You obtain a log of all processed rebate arrangements together with anymessages issued.
          The report is designed to be interactive. To view the long text of amessage, for example, you need only click on the message. Similarly,just click on the external data record number to view the record thatcaused the message to be issued.
          From within the log you can display the update data generated for eachrebate arrangement or condition record.
          You can request a list of the external data records (individual record,complete list).
          In addition, you can create and display an update log (LIS) forindividual rebate arrangements. This enables you to check whichinformation structures have been updated. In particular, you can alsomonitor the updating progress at field level.

413786 Release notes 4.5 for subsequent settlement incomplete
154601 Subsequnt settlmnt:external data transfr cancellatn