SAP Program RWMBON31 - Settlement Accounting, Customer Arrangements, Purchasing

Report 'RWMBON01' is used to settle rebate arrangements in SubsequentSettlement.
Rebate arrangements can be selected by entering selection parameters.

  • Rebate arrangement

  • You can limit selection by entering the arrangement number and thecondition granter. You can enter the settlement calendar to limit theselection to rebate arrangements that are settled on a monthly orquarterly basis, for exaple. You can, of course, also selectarrangements that are not to be settled at intervals (no settlementcalendar).
    Only those rebate arrangements are selected for which interim or finalsettlement is due according to the settlement date. For finalsettlement, the end of the validity period must be on or before thesettlement date. Interim settlement is due if the validity period ofthe period-specific condition record has expired, i.e. likewise on orbefore the settlement date.
    The settlement date should be in the past (except when settlement issimulated, or when an interim settlement is made in advance, seebelow), as rebate arrangements and condition records are only settledwhen their validity period has expired. However, if you do not executethe report in the background you can also settle arrangements inadvance.
    • Organizational data

    • Selection can be limited to specific purchasing organizations andpurchasing groups. Only those rebate arrangements with correspondingorganizational data are selected.
      • Accounting data

      • You can enter a posting date to control the date on which thesettlement documents are posted in Financial Accounting. For example,you can carry out year end settlement in January, but still post thesettlement documents in the preceding year.
        • Status of the rebate arrangement

        • Each rebate arrangement has a status. By entering the appropriatestatus ID of the arrangements, you can, for example, temporarilyexclude certain arrangements from settlement.
          • Promotions

          • Simulate/execute settlement
            The fields "Simulate/execute settlement" control whether thearrangement is settled. If "Simulate settlement" is set, settlement issimulated only, i.e. the arrangement income is determined. The systemchecks whether the settlement document (billing document or creditmemo) can be created. However, the document is not posted. Whensettlement is simulated, any date can be selected as the settlementdate.
            Interim/final settlement of condition records
            The fields "Interim/final settlement of condition records" controlwhether you make an interim settlement in advance or final settlementof the condition record. In the case of interim settlement in advance,the system uses the vendor business volume already achieved to checkwhether an income can be generated before the end of the validityperiod for the condition record.
            Method of distributing income over the plants
            If you have selected a settlement type (Customizing settlement type)that leads to the income from a condition record being posted to aplant account, you can define here whether this income is to bedistributed according to business volume shares, i.e. plant's share ofthe condition basis, or equally among the number of plants involved.
            • Sort sequence of list output

            • Here you can define the sequence in which the settlement programprocesses and lists the rebate arrangements.

              Batch settlement
              It is possible to start batch settlement. To do this, a selectionvariant for program RWMBON01 must be set and a job scheduled.
              Advance settlement of condition records (settlement date in the future)is only permitted in a batch run if you are only carrying out interimsettlement of condition records.

              In order to carry out settlement, the status of the arrangement must begreater or equal to the minimum status of the arrangement type.
              If business volume comparison and agreement is defined for thearrangement, this must be carried out before final settlement.
              If the arrangement is only to be settled when no open purchasingdocuments exist, you can carry out a manual check in advance usingreport RWMBON10.

              The output contains important arrangement data such as the conditiongranter, validity period or arrangement status.
              All the condition records for an arrangement are displayed. The scaleand condition basis, and resulting condition amount and income, aredisplayed for each condition. The income already settled in previoussettlements or interim settlements is offset.
              You can go from the list to rebate arrangement maintenance. If abilling document or credit memo was created, this can be selected.
              The report is interactive, i.e. if you double click on an object, thisobject is displayed. If you double click on the condition granter, forexample, the vendor data is displayed.
              There are a number of additional helpful functions. You can select anobject and call the relevant function from the menu bar.

485130 Arrangement status for interim settlement set incorrectly
383600Income updating from settlement document not executed
457035 Incorrect doc. status if document not relevant to accounting
458695 Man. correction f. customer BillDoc income w/ partial settl.
437429Message SG105 List settlement documents, setting up incomes
433752 Error when checking for release to accounting
386157 Shrt dmp CONVT_OVERFLOW or BCD_FIELD_OVERFLOW durng settlmnt
353546 Settlement of incorrect incomes via vendor billing documents
324705 Msgs MN781 or MN164 with settlement of rebate arrangement
324686 Message MN145 during rebate arrangement settlement
195730 Message MN684 in rebate arrangement settlement
72199Problem analysis update business volume data