SAP Program RWLF9053 - Process Complaints

With report "RWLF9053" (process complaints) you have a suitable tool forprocessing complaints, without having to process each complaintindividually and having to start processing manually.

Note that an F1 help is available for the relevant parameters.

  • Complaints

  • You can use this to restrict the selection of complaints to beprocessed. You can specify complaints to be processed directly or youcan use other fields to specify complaints to be selected.
    • Complaints documents

    • Here you enter the documents for which complaints are to be processed.You can restrict this using the document and item number. You shouldalso specify whether complaints should only be processed for agencydocuments or for non-agency documents or if they should be processed forboth.
      • Agency documents

      • If at 'complaints documents' you customized so that only complaints foragency documents were processed, you can maintain selection data herefor the agency documents to which the complaints to be processed refer.
        • Controlling the program flow

        • Here you can specify that all documents are locked when the reportstarts. By doing this you ensure that all documents that correspond tothe selection criteria can be processed.
          You can use the run name and termination time to control how long thereport should run before it is stopped. If you have specified a run nameyou can restart the report with the same name and finish processing theremaining data.
          This ensures that the report only affects database performance duringthe specified time frame.
          Complaints are processed in packages. The package unit is the complaintsreason. For commit-control you specify the number of complaints reasonsfor each package. After processing each package the timeout is checkedand the processed data is saved to the database (commit work).Alternatively, you can also customize the saving of data to the databaseat document level, you then enter the number of documents. The timeinterval is still checked for each package unit.
          You can display the selected complaints using a preview list.

          A list log is created using the selected and processed documents. Ifnecessary, all errors that occurred can also be logged here.