SAP Program RWLF2012 - Complete Settlement Request Lists

You can use report RWLF2008 (release settlement request lists toAccounting) to forward blocked settlement request lists to Accountingwithout having to individually process and therefore manually releaseeach one.

Description of selection parameters
Note that F1 help exists for the relevant parameters.

  • Document selection

  • You use this to limit the selection of documents to be processed. Youcan directly enter documents for processing, or specify the documentsto be selected using other fields.
    • Organizational data

    • You use this to maintain data that is valid for all documents forselection in the worklist.
      • Program flow control

      • You use this to define whether ou want to block all documents when thereport is started. By doing this, you ensure that all documents thatmeet the selection criteria are processed.
        You use the run name and termination time to control how long thereport should run before it is terminated. Because you enter a runname, you can restart the report using this same name at a later date,and process the remaining data.
        This ensures that the report only puts strain on the database duringthe specified period.

        A list log is created containing the selected and processed documents.Any errors are also logged here.