SAP Program RWLAYWOB - Space Managment: Layout Workbench

There are various ways of accessing this report:

  • Access using a plant

  • Access using layout module(s)

  • Access using general assortment(s)

  • However, you can only use this option if the multiple assignmentfunction of assortments to plants is activated.
    Access using a plant
    Theoretically, this method of access is intended as a source ofinformation for the marketing manager. Plant information is displayedand the relevant maintenance options are provided. All the activitiesthat could have an effect on several plants, such as maintaining alayout module version, cannot be performed here.
    In this initial screen, the layout structure of the plant is displayed.The following levels are displayed as a hierarchy:
    • The layouts with their assortments assigned to the plant,

    • The layout modules assigned to the layouts,

    • The versions of the layout modules with their variants,

    • The documents that are assigned to the layout module versions.

    • Different activities can be performed in the Layout Workbench:
      • Goto the individual Customizing transactions for maintaining space
      • management profiles, for example. However, note that Customizingactivities are not normally allowed in a production system,
        • Goto the transaction for maintaining the shelf using the menu,

        • Goto the transaction for maintaining the layout module by selecting the
        • layout module text or using the menu,
          • Goto the transaction for maintaining the layout module version by
          • selecting a layout module or using the menu. By selecting the text thelayout module versions of the layout module concerned will bedisplayed,
            • Goto the layout maintenance by selecting the layout or using the menu,

            • Goto the plant master display screen for the plant to which the space
            • management profile and the layout are assigned by selecting the plant,
              • The update BAPI in the interface to external space management programs
              • can create error logs. These can also be displayed here,
                • Create listing conditions. Theoretically only the current and the first
                • future version of a layout module can be listed. There are two optionsfor this:
                  Creation from listing conditions for all the layout module versions inthis plant.
                  Selection of one or more layout module versions for whose materialslisting conditions are to be created. They can only be selected fromlayout module versions that have been released. The prerequisite forboth options is that the materials that are assigned to the layoutmodule version have a facing greater than zero and that the layoutmodule version has a released status (= 02). A traffic light in thehierarchy shows whether the listing conditions for theassortment/layout module version combination are up-to-date:
                  Green traffic light: the listing conditions for this version arecurrent
                  Yellow traffic light: the version has already been listed, but changeswere made that were relevant to listing since the last listing
                  Red traffic light: the version has not been listed yet
                  • Display of materials in a version with options for navigating to the
                  • integrated material maintenance,
                    • Display of the documents assigned to the layout module version in the
                    • application concerned,
                      • Creation and assignment of a layout module variant to a selected plant
                      • with the display of the variant's materials. Previously createdvariants cannot be changed, as they may have been assigned in somecases to several plants, and the changes would then affect all thoseplants.
                        Access using layout module(s)
                        This initial screen represents the maintenance transaction for a spacemanager. All the activities that involve using the layout functions canbe performed here. The following levels are displayed in a hierarchy:
                        • The selected layout modules,

                        • The versions of the layout modules,

                        • The variants of the individual layout module versions.

                        • Various activities can be performed in the Layout Workbench:
                          • Goto the individual Customizing transactions for maintaining space
                          • management profiles, for example. However, note that Customizingactivities cannot normally be performed in a production system.
                            • Goto the transaction for maintaining the shelf using the menu,

                            • Goto the transaction for maintaining the layout module by selecting the
                            • layout module text or using the menu,
                              • Goto the transaction for maintaining the layout module version by
                              • selecting a layout module or using the menu. By selecting the layoutmodule, the layout module versions of the layout module concerned aredisplayed,
                                • Goto the layout maintenance using the menu,

                                • The update BAPI for the interface to external space management programs
                                • can create error logs. These can also be displayed here,
                                  • Change the status of a version. The status of a version can be changed
                                  • from 01 (= planned) to 02 (= released), although there are somerestrictions to be taken into consideration:
                                    Old released versions cannot be reset,
                                    The currently active version cannot be reset. Active means that it iscurrently valid (see validity of version),
                                    • Maintenance of material assignments to layout module versions,

                                    • Maintenance of material assignments to layout module variants,

                                    • Display of version's materials with options for navigating to the
                                    • integrated material maintenance,
                                      • Maintenance of assignments of layout module variants to assortments. If
                                      • the multiple assignment of assortments to plants is active, then thevariants can only be assigned to the local assortments, otherwise allthe plants to which that assortment was assigned would automatically beaffected,
                                        • Display of a variant's materials with options for navigating to the
                                        • integrated material maintenance,
                                          • Display of documents for layout modules or versions (if you select a
                                          • document in this document list and choose "Display document", then theappropriate application is opened with the document),
                                            • Display of plants assigned to layout modules or variants,

                                            • Display of layouts assigned to layout modules,

                                            • Mass replacement and deletion of materials in versions and variants,

                                            • Create listing conditions. Theoretically only the current and the first
                                            • future versions of a layout module can be listed. They can only beselected from the released layout module versions. There are twooptions for this:
                                              Creation of listing conditions for all assortments for the selectedlayout module versions,
                                              Selection of one or more assortments for which the selected versionsshould be listed. A prerequisite for both options is that the materialsthat are assigned to the layout module version have a facing greaterthan zero and that the layout module versions have a released status (=02). A traffic light in the assortment selection indicates whether thelisting conditions for the assortment/layout module version areup-to-date:
                                              Green traffic light: the listing conditions for this version arecurrent
                                              Yellow traffic light: the version has already been listed but changeswere made since the last listing that are relevent to the listing
                                              Red traffic light: the version has never been listed.
                                              Access using general assortment(s)
                                              This initial screen is useful and necessary for effectively supportingassortment maintenance in multiple assignments of assortments toplants. Rather like the initial screen for plants, the activities herethat can affect several plants, like maintaining a layout moduleversion, for example, cannot be performed here. Furthermore, onlygeneral assortments can be displayed here, as local assortments canalready be maintained using the initial plant screen. The followinglevels are displayed in a hierarchy:
                                              • The assortments with their layouts assigned,

                                              • The layout modules assigned to the layouts,

                                              • The versions of the layout modules,

                                              • The variants of the individual layout module versions.

                                              • You can perform different activities in the Layout Workbench:
                                                • Goto the individual Customizing transactions, such as the space
                                                • management profile maintenance. However, note that you normally cannotperform Customizing activities in a production system.
                                                  • Goto the transaction for maintaining the shelf using the menu,

                                                  • Goto the transaction for maintaining the layout modules by selecting
                                                  • the layout module text or using the menu,
                                                    • Goto the transactions for maintaining the layout module version by
                                                    • selecting a layout module or using the menu. If you select a particularlayout module, the layout module versions of the selected layout modulewill be displayed too,
                                                      • Goto the layout maintenance using the menu,

                                                      • The update BAPI for the interface to external space management programs
                                                      • can create error logs. These can also be displayed here.
                                                        • Display materials in a version with options for navigating to the
                                                        • integrated material maintenance,
                                                          • Display materials in a variant with options for navigating to the
                                                          • integrated material maintenance,
                                                            • Display documents for layout modules or versions, (if you select a
                                                            • document from this document list and choose the radio button "Displaydocument", then the corresponding application opens the document),
                                                              • Display of plants assigned to layout modules or variants,

                                                              • Create listing conditions. Theoretically, only the current and the
                                                              • first future version of a layout module can be listed. There are twoways of doing this:
                                                                Create listing conditions for general assortments to which the versionis assigned,
                                                                Select one or more layout module versions for whose materials listingconditions should be created. The only versions that can be selectedare those that have been released. A prerequisite for both of theseoptions is that the materials that are assigned to the layout moduleversion have a facing greater than zero, and that the layout moduleversion has the released status (= 02). A traffic light in thehierarchy shows whether the listing conditions for theassortment/layout module version combination are up-to-date or not:
                                                                Green traffic light: the listing conditions for this version are up-to-date,
                                                                Yellow traffic light: the version has already been listed, althoughlisting-relevant changes have been made since the last listing,
                                                                Red traffic light: the version has never been listed.