SAP Program RWINVF00 - Test report for IDoc upload: entry of results from store phys. inv.

This report allows you to test inbound processing for intermediatedocuments in the store physical inventory. The physical inventorydocuments entered are read by the database, intermediate documents arecreated and inbound processing triggered for the intermediatedocuments.
Meaning of the control data:

  • One IDoc per document:

  • If a number of physical inventory documents are selected, one IDoc iscreated for each physical inventory document. If this field is notselected, all physical inventory documents are included in one IDoc.
    • Leave empty

    • Fields IBLNR, GJAHR and ZEILI are left empty in the IDoc. This allowsyou to test document determination in inbound processing.
      • Direct processing

      • The IDoc is not sent via the ALE interface but is transferred directlyto the inbound processing function module via direct call.
        • Debug mode

        • Before the processing module is called, the program is interrupted witha breakpoint to allow debugging.
          • IDoc number

          • You need to enter an IDoc number if the processing function module is
            to be called directly, otherwise an IDoc number will be createdautomatically.
            • Partner number of recipient

            • Port number of the system in which inbound processing of the IDocstakes place.
              • Partner type

              • Partner type of recipient (e.g. "KU").
                • Partner number of sender

                • Port number of (ficticious) sender of IDocs.
                  • Partner type

                  • Partner type of sender (e.g. "KU").