SAP Program RWGRC_005 - Display Inactive Vendors

Vendors are inactive if they are not assigned to door or to a stagingarea.
Use this function to display inactive vendors and assign them to a dooror to a staging area.
This transaction allows you to:
a) Display all inactive vendors
b) Check specific vendors

General Settings

  • Display All Inactive Vendors

  • Select this option in order to display all inactive vendors. With thissetting, any additional specifications in the 'Select Vendor' group boxare without effect.
    • Check a Vendor

    • With this setting, you must specify the vendor or the vendor range,which you want to check against the inactive vendors in the system, inthe 'Select Vendor' group box. The specification is without effect ifyou selected the 'Display All' option.

      Select Vendor
      Enter a vendor or a vendor range that you want to check against theinactive vendors in the system. The specification is without effect ifyou selected the 'Display All' option in the general settings.

      The system lists the inactive vendors that match your selectioncriteria. Double-clicking an inactive vendor takes you into transactionWGRC1, by means of which you can assign the inactive vendor to a door orto a staging area.