SAP Program RWB2B004 - Trading contract: Display change documents

Report RVSCD100 displays the changes made to a sales document.

The following lists are issued:
Overview list: Date, Changed by, Object and Action
Detailed list: Object, Action and Value / Tech. info
Tech. info : Table, Field, Changed by, Time, Transaction
Statistics : Change group and number of actions
The overview and detailed lists can be sorted according to time ordocument structure. In the overview list, you can use F2 and lineselection to display the details of the document changes. The cursorposition determines the scope of the list.
If the cursor is in the second (ItmNo.) or third (SLNo) column, all allchanges for the document header, item, or schedule line are displayed.If the cursor is in another column, only the details of the selectedchange are displayed.