SAP Program RVPOTCUS - Report for Setting Potential Maintenance in Release 3.0


Documentation on maintaining potential data for the pilot customerdelivery.
1.,,,,General Description
1.1,,,,Aims of Potential Planning
1.2,,,,Potential Planning in Release 3.0
1.3,,,,Functional Description
1.3.1,,General Information
1.3.2,,Calling Potential Planning,,From the Sales Activity,,From CO-PA
1.3.3,,Evaluating Data on Potential
2.,,,,Setting up CO-PA
3.,,,,Adjusting Program Routines

1. General Description

1.1 Aims of Potential Planning
The aim of potential planning is to store information on various objectlevels regarding what potential (sales, sales volume) these objectshave.
Object levels include:

  • Customer

  • Sales organization
    • Customer

    • Sales organization
      Product hierarchy level 1
      Product hierarchy level 2
      • Customer

      • Sales organization
        Product hierarchy level 1
        Product hierarchy level 2
        Product hierarchy level 3
        • Customer

        • Sales organization
          Product hierarchy level 1
          Product hierarchy level 2
          Product hierarchy level 3
          Competitive material
          This information can be used to estimate sales targets for the comingperiod. Various promotional and sales activities are required tofulfill targets. These should be taken into account in theCosts-Profits analysis. Data on potential forms the basis of theanalysis for this transaction. In Release 3.0 there will be no analysesin the standard system. However, it will be explained how to processpotential data efficiently.

          1.2 Potential Planning in Release 3.0
          In Release 3.0, potential planning will only be used by selected pilotcustomers. It must not be used in a 'live' system. The aim of thisdelivery is to stimulate discussion of the subject with pilot customersby using examples.

          1.3 Functional Description

          1.3.1 General Information
          Potential planning is closely linked to sales and profit planning inCO-PA. Separate plan versions are found in the corresponding operatingconcern in CO-PA.

          1.3.2 Calling Potential Planning

 From the Sales Activity
          You can call potential planning from the 'Change sales activity'transaction using the 'Goto' menu. You branch into the transaction forcreating planning data in CO-PA. A line/column is proposed which youcan use to enter the data on potential. You save the data on potentialon the planning data entry screen.
          You cannot return to the sales activity after performing certainfunctions in the transaction for creating data on potential. In thepilot version, there is no safety query.

 From CO-PA
          Here, you can maintain the data in the appropriate operating concernwhich may have to be set manually. You use the line/column structuresdefined in the operating concern.

          1.3.3 Evaluating Data on Potential
          The data on potential is evaluated using the CO-PA line item display(Report RKEB0601). If the number of the reference document isspecified, data on potential created from this sales activity islisted.

          2. Setting up CO-PA

          2.1 Setting up the Operating Concern
          If you are using the CO-PA (Profitability Analysis) application, youonly need to make changes in the operating concern for potentialplanning. Otherwise, you need to set up a new operating concern forpotential planning.
          Below, the required actions are described briefly. For more detailedinformation, see the documentation on Profitability Analysis.

          2.2 Define Objects
          In CO-PA, you must enter the objects which are combined to make up theobject levels in potential planning in the operating concern in whichpotential planning is to be carried out.

          • Competitor

          • Copy field KUNNR from Table MARA zu übernehmen.
            • Product hierarchy levels.

            • You need to create a separate object for each level of the producthierarchy.
              The objects sales organization (VKORG), customer (KNDNR), and material(ARTNR) are included as standard in the operating concern.

              2.3 Entering Value Fields
              Usually, the value fields for Profitability Analysis should also beused for potential planning. If necessary, you can create additionalvalue fields for potential planning.
              After new objects or value fields have been entered, you need togenerate the operating concern.

              2.4 Create Line/Column Structure
              Please note the following:

              • Sales organization

              • As the competitor number for your own company is taken from the salesorganization, the check for this cannot be carried out if the salesorganization is not defined as an object in the line/column structure.
                • Product hierarchy

                • The product hierarchy is subdivided by a DDIC structure (PRODHS) intolevels. Level I cannot be an element in the line/column structurewithout the level I-1.
                  Example: Product hierarchy is divided as follows
                  ,,,,Level 1: PRODH1 --> Length 5
                  ,,,,Level 2: PRODH2 --> Length 5
                  ,,,,Level 3: PRODH3 --> Length 8
                  If PRODH2 is an element of the line/column structure (key word: objectbracketing).

                  2.5 Creating Planning Versions
                  Create a planning version for potential planning.

                  3. Program adjustments
                  Programs RKEPLPT1/RKEPLPT2 contain routines for creating data onpotential. Each of these routines must be adapted to suit the context.The points where adjustments must be made are marked in the programs.
                  The following adjustments are necessary:
                  RESET N1
                  Adjustment: Structure of Product Hierarchy
                  This adjustment is marked with the label MODPRODH1.
                  The adjustment is required if
                  the structure of the product hierarchy has been changed
                  the product hierarchy fields in the operating concern are not PRDH1,PRDH2 or PRDH3.
                  Adjustment: F4 for Product Hierarchy
                  This adjustment is marked with the label MODPRODH2.
                  The adjustment is necessary for F4 help for fields in the producthierarchy on the entry screens of the line/column structure.
                  Adjustment: Name of the Operating Concern
                  This adjustment is marked with the label MODPRODH3.
                  The adjustment is necessary for changing the name of the operatingconcern in which potential planning is to be performed.
                  Adjustment: Proposal for Line/Column Structure
                  The adjustment is required for setting up a proposal for creating dataon potential which is dependent on sales activity. To do this, adjustroutine POTENTIAL_PROP_SET in Include RKEPLPT2.
                  Adjustment: Activating Entry of Data on Potential
                  First of all, you need to add the INCLUDE member RKEPLPT2 in reportRKEPLPT1 (the statement is blocked out in the delivery system).
                  You use routine POTENTIAL_ACTIVFLAG_GET in report RKEPLPT1 to controlwhether the entry of data on potential function is activated in thesales activities.