SAP Program RVHURL_ACST_01 - Account statement overview

Various lists of account statements are output. The statements storedin database RLACSTHD (account statements) are selected according toselection parameters and completed by the appropriate statementtransaction (database RLACSTIT).
In the selection process, you can differentiate between inbound andoutbound statements. The SAP standard system covers both scenarios withcorresponding selection screen variants.
Note the following:

  • You can only select statements according to transmission data if you
  • received them via EDI. Searching for statements which you manuallycreated or for outbound statements is only possible using statementdata or the attributes of the RP account assigned to the statement.
    • You can only select statements that you received via EDI according to
    • RP account data if EDI inbound processing was successful. If the systemcould not determine the RP account due to missing conversion data orincomplete data in the statement, selection is only possible accordingto transmission data or according to data of the account statement.
      This data is transferred to the ABAP List Viewer, which actuallycarries out the list format.

      Account statements must exist in the system.

      The list layouts of this report have been specified and delivered bySAP as the standard variant. Changes to this variant are not allowed.You can, however, change it as required and store it under a differentname. An individual list layout can make use of further data fieldsthat are hidden in the SAP standard variant.
      You need to set a list variant as the default to ensure that thisreport no longer uses the standard variant but takes thecustomer-specific layout into consideration. If you do not do this, thereport automatically specifies the default variant and the appropriatelist layout.